Using snapchat to grow your business

It might not be the most obvious social media platform for brands to use as a tool to grow but you definitely should consider it, and here’s why…

Social media platforms have become great tools for businesses to reach diverse audiences, and the owners of these platforms have realised the potential for ecommerce, spurring them to evolve for brands.

Social media can provide the technology and tools that give customers more unique experiences when shopping online. For example, livestream shopping has been graining traction as a more personal way for people to shop at home. Social media also provides a way for brands to show themselves and create a relationship with audience members that goes beyond a simple store page.

Why would brands use Snapchat?

Snapchat cleverly grabs and retains attention from around 300 million people daily. To put it into perspective that’s around the same amount of people living in the United States. Snapchat’s userbase is largely made up of Gen Z and Millenials which makes it a perfect place to target those incredibly impactful generations under 35.

Snapchat is more than a place for limited timescale messages between friends. The platform has a range of advertising features to help you grow your brand including dynamic ads, localised sponsored lenses and snap stories. The important part here is that the platform has high engagement levels with shopping being one of the most popular reasons and impulse buying being a common occurrence.

It is certainly important to consider what you want to achieve for your business right now and how using social media can help with that. Maybe you want to draw more traffic to your site or perhaps show users personal and authentic content to draw trust and build on your relationship with them. Either way understanding you goals and basing your marketing decisions around that is a great starting point.

Shopify have an article showing more a more in-depth look at how brands can use Snapchat which you can check out here.


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