Using eBay Buyer Groups to drive sales

No primary category set

eBay Coded Coupons enable you to offer your buyers a discount through a coupon code. You can share them publicly on eBay or privately through your own marketing channels. Where they really come into their own however, is when you have a recent buyer you want to re-engage, a buyer that follows your shop but hasn’t yet made a purchase, and buyers that have purchased a particular type of product. eBay Buyer Groups have been launched to assist with your marketing efforts.

Where Coded Coupons don’t work, is for example a clothing voucher I was recently sent valid for women’s dresses. I’d made a purchase from the seller, but it was for men’s clothing and seeing as I’m seriously unlikely to ever wear a dress the seller’s marketing was never going to get a result.

It’s not that particular seller’s fault, and now eBay Buyer Groups should start to enable them to filter me out of their dress coupons and perhaps target me with a coupon that’s more appropriate.

Using eBay Buyer Groups

eBay Buyer Groups have launched in the UK, Germany, Australia, France, Italy, Spain and the US.

Typical eBay Buyer Groups include:

  • Buyers that bought from your eBay Shop in the past month
  • Buyers that bought in a specific category from your eBay Shop (e.g. ‘Men’s clothing’ or ‘Women’s clothing’)
  • Buyers that are following you but have not yet bought from your eBay Shop

Today, you can:

  • Group and segment your previous buyers with filtering criteria such as most recent purchase and category;
  • Distinguish your followers between those who have purchased from you and those who have not yet done so;
  • Engage with buyers and followers of these Buyer Groups in bulk by sending them coded coupons via email and push notifications.

eBay Buyer Groups spam blocks

No one wants to be deluged with spam, not even if they are discount codes if they’re not appealing to the consumer. That’s why there are limitations on how often you can send coupon codes to a single buyer according to the following rules:

  • You can send coupons only twice in the first month following a purchase.
  • If the buyer does not engage with your eBay Shop, you can attempt to retain the buyer by sending them a further coupon after three months.
  • After one year, you are not permitted to send more coupons.

You need not concern yourself with these limits as they’ll be auto applied. What it does mean is that you want to monitor your Coded Coupon campaigns and ensure they are going out regularly to recent buyers as after a month it’s a missed opportunity.


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