Download our latest ChannelX ebook in association with Motive in which we explore five ways retailers can utilise on site search to increase sales during the Black Friday and Christmas peak shopping period.
No business wants to miss out on the potential traffic of Black Friday and Christmas shopping season. Your shop’s search is a great way to take advantage of increased traffic during the peak shopping season and drive ecommerce sales. Retailers can instantly react to trends and changing customer needs during busy times in order to maximise revenue and prevent missed sales due to bad shopping experiences.
Having the right tool is key, and proactivity matters. During the busy shopping season, it’s essential to be confident that your shop can convert increased traffic into sales. But it’s also important to know how you can optimise your search to convert more customers when traffic to your website might not be as high.
Underestimating the power of good product discovery is risky. According to research from The Harris Poll, commissioned by Google Cloud, more than $333bn is lost each year in the US to online retailers because the search function or search box failed to provide consumers with the item they were looking for.
Download our ebook to read the vital information retailers need to gain a competitive sales advantage while maintaining transparency and digital trust in the search and discovery process.
Learn more about the five ways to use search to increase sales during peaks:
- No-code visual customisations to ensure brand consistency
- Boost and bury rules to showcase relevant or trending products – and hide others
- Move inventory and promote specific products to nudge your customers into making a purchase
- Be ready for synonyms and typos to avoid a no-results scenario
- Manage multiple sites from the same account for a better overview of your customer