Product photography fundamentals webinar

Product photography fundamentals webinar

It’s essential to have good quality imagery to capture your customers’ attention when selling online and that’s what the next eBay Elevate webinar will address. In partnership with Small Business Britain, this 25-minute practical session will be packed with tips and tricks to make your products shine online.

On the day, you’ll learn:

  • Know your camera: good practices before taking your photos 
  • The basics: lighting, framing and background to make your product POP 
  • Editing: simple retouches for your images 
  • Apps: budget friendly apps and editors ideal for small businesses

Product photography fundamentals speaker:

Victor Castejon is the creative brain behind The Quick Brown Fox Video Production. With years of experience, he has the production know-how to create powerful imagery and videos starting from just rough initial ideas. He’s a specialist in sound too – having been a radio producer and on occasions, a presenter – and understands the power of storytelling. 


The product photography fundamentals webinar will take place on Tuesday the 21st of February kicking off at 10am and run for about 25 minutes. Click here to register.

eBay Elevate

In the February seller update, eBay announced that in partnership with Small Business Britain, theyare running a series of webinars, of which this is one,on a wide range of business topics such as photography fundamentals, how to find grant funding and SEO basics. Webinars will be presented by Small Business Britain’s team of experts and guest speakers.

In addition to the Business Roadshows running yesterday, the 2nd February in Belfast and 2nd March in Cardiff, eBay will soon be announcing more in-person events for eBay sellers to network and learn. Plus, you’ll be able to meet eBay staff at a number of trade shows throughout the year.


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