eBay Carbon Academy for businesses

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eBay Carbon Academy for businesses

eBay have launched their Carbon Academy in the UK, an interactive self-learning experience, created in collaboration with ClimatePartner as a one-stop-shop to help you apply actionable steps, at your own pace, to accelerate your sustainability journey.

The Carbon Academy course includes seven modules designed to introduce sustainable practices into your business:

  1. Climate action in three essential steps – Explore the fundamental terms and concepts of climate change, climate action, and how you can benefit from the upcoming Carbon Academy modules.
  2. Climate strategies for businesses – Find out why and how to design a corporate climate strategy using global standards to set your targets.
  3. Carbon accounting – Get a clear understanding of the advantages of calculating the types of carbon footprints and stages of the product life cycle based on Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG) standards.
  4. Carbon reduction – Learn about the challenges of reducing carbon emissions, as well as best practices to effectively reduce carbon emission in your business.
  5. Circular economy – Explore the concept of circular economy, with clear steps to adopt a circularity transformation plan for your business (including opportunities and risks within established business procedures)
  6. Carbon offsetting – Learn about carbon offset projects and their potential to help combat climate change, while understanding the criticisms around carbon offsetting. Learn how to integrate your contributions to carbon offset projects in marketing activities.
  7. Communicating climate action – Learn how to communicate climate action to your customers and stakeholders. Based on the Green Claims Code, you’ll learn how to position yourself in the market as a sustainable, responsible seller.

Carbon Assessment

Every business that graduates from the Carbon Academy can get a discount for a carbon assessment with ClimatePartner. This, say eBay, will help you accelerate your sustainability journey, as your carbon footprint data is analysed by sustainability experts – along with recommendations to help you reduce it.

  • ​​Assessments are discounted to £395 per assessment
  • You’ll be able to decide on the range of your business or products to be assessed
  • You need to complete all Carbon Academy modules to access this discount

While the carbon assessment will be useful for many businesses, it’s not compulsory and tall businesses should seriously consider signing up to the Carbon Academy as the lessons within will help you make your operations more sustainable and learn how to reduce your carbon footprint.

Sign up to a Carbon Academy webinar

For more information and onboarding advice, you can also sign up to eBay’s upcoming webinars. The first webinar will be hosted by ClimatePartner, where you’ll have the opportunity to network with and learn from climate action experts and sellers who’ve already graduated from the Carbon Academy.

5 Responses

  1. I don’t know anyone who believes any of this climate change hogwash. If it makes people feel better, they could help the planet by shutting their business down, not travelling anywhere nor consuming any food/drink.

    But we know that Ebay like all companies need to comply with the ESG agenda…

    1. With an attitude like that it’s pretty obvious why no one would say anything to you, talk about sticking your head in the sand.

      1. I’ve got a suggestion for how you can stop all your future carbon emissions instantly, but you won’t like it!

  2. 77 trees to carbon off set one flight to new york
    We will need bigger gardens

  3. When we started a business your main concern was profit ,customer care ,and the taxman
    Now you have to factor in the climate ,sexual orientation,
    Disability, ethnic origin,religion, cast,creed and colour


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