The Day the UK will stop selling to Northern Ireland

Category: Data & Insights
General Product Safety Regulation GPSR compliance on Amazon and Northern Ireland

Mark the 13th of December in your diaries, especially if you are a consumer based in Northern Ireland. This is the date that you’ll suddenly discover that much of Great Britain stops selling to Northern Ireland due to Brexit and GPSR (General Product Safety Regulation)

Brexit drew a border down the Irish Sea, and put Northern Ireland both in the United Kingdom and in the EU… but not entirely in either. This means that Northern Ireland is subject to some EU legislation and that includes the GPSR a new instrument in the EU product safety legal framework from the 13th December 2024. GPSR requires that all consumer products on the EU markets are safe and it establishes specific obligations for businesses to ensure it.

Where this become tricky, is that the GPSR doesn’t just apply to the EU, it also applies to Northern Ireland and there’s one key factor that (IMHO) is ridiculous. It requires a seller in the UK to have a ‘Responsible Person’ based in the EU if they sell to a consumer in the part of the UK that is Northern Ireland. And this hold even if you only ever sell within the UK and never have and have no intention of suppling consumers in the EU.

To comply with GPSR, you need:

  1. The product manufacturer’s name and contact information
  2. If the manufacturer isn’t located in the EU or NI, you’ll have to indicate an EU-based Responsible Person or entity, along with their name and contact details
  3. Any relevant product information like model number, pictures, type, and CE marking
  4. Product safety and compliance information like safety warnings, labels, and product manuals in the local language

For many smaller retailers, the likely outcome is simply to refuse to sell to any consumers based in Northern Ireland. The cost of putting an EU-based Responsible Person in place will be prohibitive for a single sale so much of Great Britain are likely to simply block sales to Northern Ireland. This will of course stir up a furore of political troubles and you can expect Northern Ireland politicians to go ballistic.

eBay have today emailed business sellers reminding them that GPSR compliance is coming, having already given them a heads up in the recent June seller update.

In our recent Seller Update, we shared important details about the upcoming General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). In case you missed it, the GPSR goes into effect 13 December 2024, and introduces specific safety-related information that all businesses must provide when selling to buyers in the European Union (EU) and Northern Ireland (NI). For more details about the regulation, how to comply with it, and the categories it applies to, visit our General Product Safety Regulation page. You can start getting compliant with the regulation right now by adding manufacturer details.

– eBay email to sellers

Other marketplaces like Amazon have been advising sellers for many months that to continue selling to Northern Ireland they too will need to comply.

So the big question is what will you do? Will you go to the expense of putting an EU-Based Responsible Person in place so that you can continue to sell to the entire United Kingdom, or come the 13th of December will you simply restrict your sales to Great Britain and ban consumers in Northern Ireland from buying your products?

123 Responses

  1. For retailers, this is more complex than simply “putting an EU-Based Responsible Person in place” as this responsible person needs to be appointed by the manufacturer.

    I have yet to convince my suppliers (based in UK and USA) that they have to do something.

  2. is it easy to block Northern Ireland from ebay deliveries? Pain in the neck but just looking at worse case. Not entirely sure if ebay gives us this option? Hope they do. maybe I just haven’t looked close enough.

    1. It takes a bit of digging to find it, but the option is there on ebay and Amazon to exclude Northern Ireland as a shipping location. Problem solved, or rather, problem postponed. I expect the PM will take us into it next year, on the condition we get to have a UK based responsible person and not have to pay someone in the EU or NI for the privilege.

        1. I am a seller based in Northern Ireland I sell into other EU countries I have had to register to sell in France and Germany i used a company called I tried myself but it was a pain as everything application wise has to be completed in the local language and the required certificates are issued in the local language. The cost was about €600. Done and dusted now.

          Population wise the UK has 67 million inhabitants NI in has about 1.9 million inhabitants.

          1.9 / 67 = 2.8% Therefore all things being equal sellers based in GB will lose 2.8% of sales if they do not

          1) Register a responsible person
          2) Include a manual
          3) Have safety information on all products
          4) Whatever else the EU demands further down the line

          Would you

          1) Complete the above to sell to NI/EU?
          2) would you click “Exclude Northern Ireland” in the delivery settings?

          If you are not selling to other EU populations my guess would be Exclude Northern Ireland as we just do not have the population aka clout.

          1. One of the few sensible and non-ranty posts on here.

            It does just come down to cost. Loyalty and Brexit don’t matter. For it to be viable to continue selling into N. Ireland, then the profit made selling into N. Ireland needs to be greater than the costs on the business of implementing GPSR.

            How can this be worked out? I think your population formula is about right. It should be around 3% of sales are to N. Ireland, unless something skews that. If an item is popular there, it might be a higher percentage. If high extra shipping costs apply to buyers, it might be lower.

            Based on the costs I’ve seen (nothing nearly as low your 600 euros), I think any business with a diverse product range which they’d have to GPSR themselves, would have to be turning over at least £500K to break even on N. Ireland sales. There’s a lot of businesses underneath that level, and for them, it just won’t be viable. Better to lose the N. Ireland sales, than pay to keep them.

    2. As usual the fellow British citizens of GB couldn’t care less about the British citizens who live in Northern Ireland and most of these snobs should think about their history when Ulstermen went to France and fought for King and country and got further than most and every household in Ulster had lost at least one son and again in 1939 Northern Ireland soilders volunteered to fight again for King and country but you little Englanders should be ashamed each and every one of you. I am ashamed of being British today and I’m extremely hurt and I feel like applying for an Irish passport as I think that I would be better looked after and then again the EU will be easier and cheaper to buy from after all you English love German Aldi don’t you haha

      1. I bit over the top …
        We all in England, N Ireland , Scoland, Wales plus Gibraltar) participated in a Democratic Vote .
        The Leave won. Instead of accepting it the Jewish Soros led anti Brexit Marxist Brigade started their campaign…

        The EU is said (by Soros himself ) to become the European Hub of the NWO .
        There was no way they were going to let go of the UK in this Marxist Hotel California Organisation.

        The English (don’t forget the majority of the Welsh people and a third of Scotland and a decent percentage of N Ireland voted also Leave,)

        We were sick of having to follow the EU Policy on mass immigration – which incidentally is what the Republic are dealing with now, to their dismay.

        In league with the Republic and Sin Fein in NI , Soros produced The Protocol (anyone who thinks O Neil with her handler Mary Lou thought that one up are sadly misinformed )

        So why should Brits have to be tied with EU regulations after we supposingly left in 2016 ..
        It’s simple , we don’t have to comply and we will not comply ..
        So blame the Marxists dictators in the EU instead of that Old Chestnut – The English
        If NI wish to comply with the EU that’s their prerogative.
        End of rang .

        1. Its sad to hear the English alter everything to suit themselves, of the population of which many didnt vote got Brexit by 1% majority! The majority of Scotland & N Ireland voted to remain since we saw through the lies and saw the problems! Must be our education system helped us! The UK government led by foreigners decided to lie and manipulate to break up the union and the EU have tried to stop “the child sticking its hand in the fire”! The idiocy is also shown in football with “its coming home” but the child poverty, high inflation, higher mortgage payments, high employment, mass illegal immigration, strikes, riots, more violence is down to the Tory millionaires who dont care or know how ordinary people live!

          1. It’s happening in Eu Ireland local riots on Eu migration policies no housing illegal migration higher taxes unemployment the people are sick of it and it’s not the UK fault it’s fully in the EU but that will help push for unity then the end game Ireland as a free state again Ireland standing on its own with no EU Brussels

          2. I’m sorry you are incorrect, it was HM government that voted overwhelming to subject Northern Ireland to become a slave to the undemocratic EU. Totally against the principles of consent of the Good Friday Agreement. Not just Tory millionaires but also the party of working people ie Labour. It’s also good to note the shift in SF’s opinion on “Foreigners” now that the Republic is reaping the fruit.s of the EU’s policies of burden sharing because of their pathetic open border policies. Perhaps the Republic would be better off joining with their nearest neighbors in opposing same in ensuring your own people are looked after first. Then we can help those in need from abroad, not the economic migrants that are doing such a massive injustice to genuine asylum seekers.

        2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

      2. Oooh, we have some DUP fan with a chip on his shoulder. What you do is one, stop going on about British, that’s the wrong island, pal, two- you want to tell us something about retail and how it affects you, go on. The deal in 1998 was clear, no border and Westminster knew very well what they were going when triggered article 5. So…get Irish passport and stop moaning. Good day.

        1. Ok Einstein tell us where in the 98 agreement does it say there can’t be a border in the island of Ireland,I’ll give you a clue it doesn’t

          1. Because the stated intent of the British government is to deregulate industry, potentially leading to unsafe products. That’s why!

        2. It’s not as easy as that, this will all end in tears, am not a DUP fan , but I can see what’s coming. The Brexit deal which the leavers are so proud of is going to destroy the UK, the deal has made it impossible for NI to stay in the union, if we leave the Scottish will surely want to follow and the union collapses, so after the inevitable civil war, a medal republic of the British isles anyone?

        3. “What you do is one, stop going on about British, that’s the wrong island, pal”

          We’re all part of the British Isles. Everyone in it is entitled to associate with that term. The ones who have issue with it, not just personally, but to disrespect their British neighbors, are Irish Nationalists.

          Rather, I should say, it’s the spirit over them, my comment here shouldn’t be seen as towards the flesh and blood actors, but the wickedness at work in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12). There’s an evil spirit at work that seeks the genocide of the Ulster British people. It’s worked in the past through outright murder (via IRA), it now work in lies and deceit, even taking up home in some Unionists who have been deceived (such as when the DUP accepted that rotten “Safeguarding the Union” deal – a deal that even the title of is a lie).

        4. You don’t know what you’re talking about mate. I’m English living in NI have been for 17 years. I’m not about to take up being Irish and getting an EU passport. I live in the UK and should be treated as such.

          1. Hmmmm. Integrate or return home would be my advice – you chose to live in northern Ireland with the full knowledge of the political landscape, I would hope.

        5. I is not just a case of an Irish Passports, I is the fact we will have problems get items from e-bay, and Amazon etc. Other retailer will not bother going to the trouble of all the hoops needed to jump through so that they can sell me a book/ pencil/ rubber etc. Look at the BIG picture and take off the weeeee glasses.

      3. Catch up, Britain and Republic of Ireland will treat foreigners better than their own people. Been that way for a while now. If you’re coloured you’re grand.

      4. Albert, to include all Englanders in your hatespeech is offensive to me. I voted, like 17 million others to remove the UK ( not just Britain) from the EU. The spineless politicians and snivel servants in Whitehall sold us down the river, because the EU and USA democrats have a unification agenda which is what most people forget.

      5. Hold on Albert, why don’t you just go back to Scotland. You don’t deserve an Irish passport became you’re not Irish.

        1. The Boat people have no problem becoming Irish ,so why would a Scot have a problem ? (Serious Question)

      6. Yes Northern Ireland ought to fully embrace Europe.not a nasty inept snobbish class ridden insular ignorant ex imperial power with lingering delusions of grandeur

      7. Come join us in the Republic, a lot of Southerners too fought for the British , they have no respect or love for the Irish, at the end of the day we’re are all Irish

      8. Seriously! That’s what’s you’re going with here! 🤣🤣 If you really knew your history of the first world war you would know that’s not true. I quote the late great Eamon Pheonix, “The men off Ulster largely stayed at home during the WW1, they had good paying jobs and don’t need the money, this was not the case in Dublin, proportional much more men from Dublin fought in WW1 than from Belfast, because they needed the pay”

      9. Don’t forget it was our own politicians who agreed to this “Sea Border”. Remember, Jeffrey saying that we would be FULL citizens of UK and would actually benefit from being ‘shared’ between UK & EU. I agree it’s tough on businesses but what about all the UK citizens in N. Ireland who are going to be denied the right to buy goods in their own Country. We’ll be back to the days of “Delivery to UK mainland only” & “Sorry we do not deliver to your postcode”. A lot of offshore Islands, especially in the North of Scotland are more difficult and more expensive to access than N. Ireland. It’s blatant “legalised” discrimination against the people on this side of the Irish Sea. Shame on ALL the politicians who have let us down – again!!

      10. Oh very bitter unionist. You’re just angry thst you voted gor brexit and now you’re about to feel the affects that you voted for. Not very bright you unionists are. Embrace your true Irish heritage , after all you where born and bred on the island of Ireland.

        1. That’s the point we didn’t get Brexit like the rest of our citizens. Shame on the politicians and civil servants that sold us out

      11. Er, plenty of Ulster folk identify as Irish, have forebears who fought in WWI and WW2 AND support the current arrangement. Indeed, the majority of Ulsterfolk support the current arrangement and appreciate no barrier with the rest of Ireland and the EU. More practical thinking and less melodrama please.

      1. Britain is pretty blocked.. Brexit. Useless like 5th leg on a table. With zero benefits.

      2. Yes if there was restrictions to mainland postage. Would there be more haste to sort it out🤔

      3. I’d like to be able to still sell to Northern Ireland, but in simple terms, selling to Northern Ireland will mean losing money. Is it selfish for small businesses to not want to lose money? I don’t think so.

    3. Thanks, that is really helpful for us in NI. NOT! Why don’t people put pressure on their local MP by writing a simple letter. Are all companies happy that their market has just reduced by two million?

    4. I buy from Ebay shops quite regularly, and I’m seeing a lot more notices saying “this seller does not post to Northern Ireland”. It used to happen just with heavier items, as couriers would add extra charges, but now it can be any item.
      I expect other retailers will follow suit, and those of us in Northern Ireland will be left with very little choice in where we can buy from.

      1. They are already charging the higher postage. I deal with retailers on the mainland and it is getting more difficult/expensive to get items. My Irish passport does not help in the slightest.

      2. I agree with you and it is particularly annoying when you get an email saying “here is something that might interest you” and then you click and there is text saying “we cannot deliver to your location” Surely the British Government along with the NI Government could get a work around for this as it is discriminatory – they are happy to spend Billions on illegal immigrants, why not millions for UK citizens? A friend who is a funeral director told me there is even a problem with bringing home human remains (not ashes) from Mainland UK due to the NI protocol.

    5. Obviously your not from Northern Ireland and its easy for you to call us a pain in the neck…amazon and eBay won’t be missed

      1. I’ll miss them – I wonder will they give us a discount on our prime membership when they can’t provide free posting (or no posting).

    6. You hope they do???? How would you feel if Europe and and NI didn’t want to sell to England??

    7. Thanks for your courteous consideration of the customer base in Northern Ireland, UK.

    8. Block Britain. Full of illegal immigrants, foreigners and Muslims. The English can kept their 2nd class rubbish sent to NORTHERN Ireland. So much for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and NORTHERN Ireland. Twas the little Engerlanders that took Scotland and NORTHERN Ireland out of the European Union against OUR WILL

    1. Yes r we have been for year’s, it’s shameful how we protestant/loyalist/Unionist British people are being treated, all to appease a certain section of the off the community, or we know what would happen!!!
      Thank you for your concern x

      1. Large numbers of people told Unionist politicians of these kind of possibilities if a brexit referendum passed.
        So maybe you should stop blaming the Irish nationalist population in NI and take some responsibility for your own actions. If you elect idiots to represent you then it result in outcome you do not like.

        1. Most politicians are just that, because they are useless at most other things. You can’t fix stupid! ³

        2. You clearly don’t have a baldy on how politics in NI works, we have no representation, our politicians are nationalists (taig)
          There is no unionist politicians
          There are unionist partys but they don’t have our interests in mind, they only care about their own pockets
          Don’t be a wally and maybe do research

        3. What about your own idiot politicians,what a great job their doing in the Republic shafting their own working class people with their mass illegals streaming into the country.🤭

      2. Janice
        Yes we were all thrown under the Brexit bus by Jeff spedo, Sammy the racist, Baby Doc the corrupt one, Jim Tiny tears, Greg the mouth… where are they now? Some on bail, some in La La land, some unemployed but not one has been held to account or apologised for helping the Tories to destroy N Ireland!

    2. I seem to remember that they ignored everyone who told them this was a possibility and blathered on about sunlit uplands so they chose to jump under the bus. I will never understand why.

    3. If the Brits didn’t invade & take our country like they tried to with every other country In history we wouldn’t be in this position in the first place. Ireland will always be Ireland.

    4. Not just Loyalists – everyone in Northern Ireland. The problem is Brexit, and GB obviously doesn’t give a crap about outlying territories. But everyone here suffers equally.

      1. Gareth why would we care about nationalists? Surely they’d do all their business in the ROI considering they hate the crown so much

    5. It’s almost as if… Britain doesn’t want them. Shock, horror. The sooner PUL community realises they’d be better off and better represented in a UI the better

      1. You mean that amazing ireland that owes billions to there masters in the destroyed by an invasion off immigrants…ireland is no longer that wonderfull place it was its destroyed and its spot the irishman now lol…that’s your eu for you..

        1. I guess you miss the riots in other parts of the eu , places like Ireland France Germany Italy Poland ect.
          You blaming that on brexit too 😆 🤣

        2. Absolute garbage. You sound like a trump supporter, who believes everything their tabloid press says. Migrants are in Ireland, all this shows is Ireland is not immune to morons. Northern Ireland PUL communities have a history of burning “other communities” out of their homes. UlK govt sent in troops to keep peace, but that didn’t last too long, UK has a history of burning bridges, this time retail and finance.

          1. Get your facts right dinosaur Steve, people on both sides of the community were burnt out of their homes during the troubles trust me I lived through it, try worrying more about Who’s gonna be next to take over your tinpot Republic as it’s happening as you bring up things from the past that some people are still trying to deal with.

    6. You honestly think GB gives a fuck about NI? You’ve been under the bus for a century

    7. The problem is the over regulation from the EU. We are worried about America becoming isolationist when the EU makes itself very difficult to trade with. Boris rushed this deal through to get elected and had no long-term thought for the consequences.

      1. This is true, we in NI, have more rules and regulations on goods, livestock or services trade in or out of EU block, than ANY other country… It is the EU punishment for brexit.
        The EU is the problem here, unelected assholes only interested in lining their own pockets being manipulated by big corporations to wipe out small business competition…

    8. Then stop being loyal to a crown that sees you as nothing but cannon fodder.

    9. Everyone in Northern Ireland. Not exclusive to loyalists as far as I understand it.

  3. That’s ridiculous legislation who dreamt that up it’s totally unworkable and stigmatises the population of Northern Ireland. Are they trying to paralyse the economy of Northern Ireland

  4. It is appalling that NI has been severed from the rest of UK
    Shame on thr Tories who allowed this to happen

  5. Then leave and go back where you came from. The north of Ireland will be quite happy trading with the EU.

  6. Brilliant. Another step closer to British withdrawal from the north of Ireland. Thank you to each and everyone who voted to leave the EU. Loyalists in the North need to wake up and realise their Britishness is a state of mind. No respectable English, Scots or Welsh man will boast of their Britishness. Be proud of your national identity and not some made up entity with no real worth in the modern world.
    Ireland awaits her northern sons and daughters no matter their creed.

    1. Are you aware of the state if the economy in Ireland? Of the healthcare system? It’s worse off than northern ireland or the UK. You have to pay at the GP’s for a urine test or a blood test now. Just the same as you have to pay if you need an MRI or Ct scan. So while you may wish to be a United Ireland maybe think of the fact it will cripple those in poverty even more so than they are now. Oh and don’t get me started on the electric prices there either…

      1. Think of it this way! In a UI you still have a passport, still able to travel freely to the GB, register with a GP in GB, still have access to national health just like all those nonUK citizens today! In a UI you get a higher wage, cheaper travel, access to cheaper goods and more power over your life due to access to a government you can vote for. Every person in a UI will have a coalition government with no majority so have to listen to the voters! The EU will continue funding a UI as they have in the past and we will be better off than GB. Its just a thought but it may be for the best if we break from GB.

        1. Captain Sensible says “cheaper goods”?? Try coming to Fermanagh (in NI) where you cannot get a parking spot at Tesco or ASDA due to Southern cars, campers, vans etc all piling in from crack of dawn and loading trolley after trolley of goods. In fact, the campers come the night before to be first in the door.

      2. I take it you don’t work and are on benefits, workers in the Republic are paid so much more than we are, get a job.

      3. You really know nothing about the health service in Ireland. Do your homework before making comments. Im from Belfast but live in Kerry and im far better off here. O by the way i can see a doc any day of the week including bank holidays. It my cost me 40 euro but well worth it. I claim a portion of that back at the end of the year. My family in Belfast cant get doc appointments only telephone appointments.

    2. Do you live under a rock? You do know if you get that united Ireland you have wet dreams about then we will all be killed off by the nationalists?

    3. Sweeping generalisation based completely on opinion and not fact. Thanks for your input!

  7. I live in Northern Ireland, also have been buying and selling on eBay for over twenty years. Where does that leave me (and people like me)?

    1. In Dickies Meadow …
      Blame the dictators in the EU ..not Brexit .
      Every Country in the EU joined with the understanding that they could leave

  8. I have had this happen already, as a few things I tried to buy I was asked to change my address it postcode. 🤷

    1. I am in Northern Ireland and I use eBay and Amazon. Oddly some items cannot be sent to the post office but can be sent to me. The oddity post office and where I am are on the same street.

  9. i told all my right wing friends, that leaving eu was a mistake. im a unionist with a small u, im an athiest, tolerant of gay rights etc.

    ive always been left wing but am british to the core. but i never have had a politician to vote for.
    what was Brexit all about?

    if it was to stop so called
    immigration, it was a disaster, and just its caused northern ireland and gb nothing but hardship…..

    1. David I feel the majority of sensible people feel the same as you but either through fear, ignorance, stubborness or loyalty they still want to be part of the UK. Thinking with the head and not the heart we may be better of in a UI but any such process would need planning and secured guarantees for exUK citizens. Every aspect needs agreed and cast iron guarantees for our rights and pensions etc! In a UI we have minorities that form a government, every community would have a party to vote for those who are answerable to you and me! At the minute we have 18 politicians who stay in London and are either corrupt or do nothing for us! We have a gov holding a cap out to London who wont/cant fund us but own us! There must be a better future, a better way forward, better life for us all rather than us on our knees!

    2. I’m not sure what’s worse – being left wing or leaving EU? Either way it’s a car crash.

  10. The article is as obviously incorrect as the map, which has Donegal, a county of the Republic of Ireland, as part of Northern Ireland. The UK will not stop business with NI, but GB.
    The authors don’t know the difference between GB and UK, RoI and NI, their arse from their elbow.

  11. So many of us in NI voted against Brexit, because of the spiral of misery and economic woe it would cause (lots of education+vocational courses like engineering+welding one I did were eu funded).
    Some of us hadn’t considered the thought of a major shift towards the long overdue reunification of Ireland as a fantastic commiseration prize.
    Ironically enough, sparked by, of course, the British government…

    1. Well I think they handled it so badly (Westminster) that they are doing NI a great favour in the long run.
      Long Live United Ireland

  12. As a Brexit voter in Northern Ireland who stands by my vote, having previously worked for a company that was forced to close at the hands of EU Directives, I find it unbelievable that remain voters blame people like me for the current situation. We did not vote for the Conservatives to carve up the UK. And just because people were correct in predicting that NI would be sold out doesn’t mean it was morally the right thing to do. The Irish Government has once again established itself as major irritant to the unionist people of NI. It would rather engage in political point scoring over an all-Ireland, which isn’t even anywhere near close, than listen to the growing concerns of Irish people over uncontrolled illegal immigration.

    1. Please read some more books. Ireland does not want reunification. Why on earth would it. The worst health service in UK, costs for marching season, dual education system, mental health levels. Ireland did not scupper Brexit, this is a lie told by the main instigators to blame somebody else. GB wants rid and ROI doesn’t want it back. If anything i’d suggest perhaps the GB govt did all it could to make the people on NI want to leave. Perhaps look to Westminster if you want to blame people.

  13. Sooner the 6 countys of the North of Ireland is handed back to Ireland the better! Hopefully the PM can see that it makes more sense and gives us back the better!

  14. I’m by no means a so called educated person but am I missing something here with all these comments about being better off in a united Ireland where you have to pay for everything that’s free in the north if you are to be believed that you are struggling to pay all your bills and yet here you are saying that you will be better having to pay for more things in the united Ireland sorry but those sum’s don’t add up to me.

  15. Many bitter comments here

    The facts are simple. Ireland is not a sovereign nation and there is no “Ireland” to join to make a UI, even if such a thing was desirable

    For the first time in history, a majority of the southern Irish population are in favour of a hard border with NI. To all those using false flattery about, “Irish brothers and sisters from the north being welcome”, perhaps you are in need of a reality check. The southern Irish care even less about our future than the British

    Furthermore, a UI would be an unmitigated disaster for the vast majority of people in NI – everyone who isn’t rich, I.e. the top 1-5%

    The other 95-99% would go to the back of the queue for everything. You think the cost of living is bad now, wait until there’s a UI. Nobody in NI who doesn’t already own a property will be able to buy one. They will be totally outgunned, excuse the pun, by southern Irish with higher property prices and wages.

    Those referring to the higher wages in ROI need to appreciate it will take a generation or more for NI to catch up with those wages, meanwhile the asset stripping and takeover by southerners of the north will be instantaneous

    Our young people and the poorest in society will be left to rot. Keep in mind that presently in the SOUTH of Ireland that 70-80% of young people and the poor are considering LEAVING Ireland. You just imagine for a moment how tough it would be for those in NI to compete with their lower wages when the cost of living is already unaffordable for those currently earning those higher wages in ROI

    This situation- the productivity and wage/property valuation gap – between ROI and NI is well understood. It is this which is the greatest obstacle to a UI, not politics. The cost to the Irish state of reunification is in the many tens of billions of euros. When Ireland herself is failing to meet the needs of her population, especially the young and poor, what hope is there that Ireland can afford to take on a couple of MILLION migrants from inside and outside the EU, along with two million more from NI? It would require the Irish budget to double overnight and would lead to the total economic collapse of NI, the ROI or both

    The solution is far from simple in workable terms but conceptually it’s simple- NI becomes a hub between the UK and EU, enjoying free and unrestricted trade with both. There is no solution of a UI as a panacea to the economic realities of NI, indeed, if the EU continues to exert undemocratic dictatorship over NI and refuses to be reasonable and flexible, then NI needs to become an independent country and turn its back on both of the malevolent forces who seek to control us without offering any democratic process or control in return.

  16. You voted for it, now the chickens have come to roost. The uneducated morons in UK will get what they deserve – the collapse of the Union.

  17. Just taking a step back to look at the regulation.
    Does it not mean that sellers are require to meet this regulation to sell to or in the EU not just Northern IRELAND?
    Meaning it is required for selling to the Republic of Ireland, France, Germany and all other EU countries.

  18. While we are on self destruction mode, let’s hand Wales back to Welsh and Scotland back to the Scots and put a big Trumpesq wall around England.

    Just the small boats to then deal/worry about. But hey ‘we’ voted in a soft left wing labour government, so I guess get used looking at your old childhood photos of green fields and happy times….they are gone.

    Oh while we are on the point, the only good news I heard was the jailing of the loony ‘just stop oil’ protestors. More of that please 🙏

  19. NI needs to look at becoming an independent country. Opt for tax avoidance and wealth. isle of Mann or Cayman Islands style. Perhaps this is the only way to get rich English people and multi millionaire politicians to actually send money to NI. UK govt should be paying pensions given they have our contributions. Perhaps NI could then bring in a guaranteed wage scheme. Do each job was paid the same, and specialist jobs attract better incentives as well as working additional hours. Pay higher tax all round, but then invest in rebuilding for all.

  20. So the DUP told us the everything would be fine and easy to buy and sell their’s from Great Britain 🇬🇧. Well we just wiat for more lies.

  21. Hi Chris Dawson,
    Would you kindly reply to my questions?

    Would the legislation being proposed mean the same problems will arise for main land UK when trying to sell to other EU member countries?

    Would that mean the people on this thread talking of deleteing Northern Ireland from the countries they sell to, will also need to delete : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden, Oh and don’t forget Croatia?

    Finally will this legislation also apply to EU countries selling to other EU countries (example the Republic of Ireland selling to France)?

    If all the above are correct then small retailers within the EU may consider only selling within their own country.

    Kindly awaiting your reply

    1. If a UK retailer wants to sell to the EU they need an EU-Based responsible person.

      If am EU company sells to other EU countries they can be their own responsible person

      The ridiculous part is UK selling to the past of the UK that is NI needing an EU-Based responsible person.

  22. So mummy and daddy got a divorce but forgot until last minute proceedings that they had a child to argue rights and responsibilities for. Neither particularly want the child at this point because they were difficult to deal with. However, admitting such a thing is not done so they argue and nothing happens except that the child is broken and needs a lot of things they can’t have. Including therapy. Yaaaaay. Signed; an under 30s from NI.

  23. Thank you Chris for clarifying.
    Unfortunately although the UK and Gibraltar voted to leave the EU with a majority of 1 & 1/4 million, brexit has not been fully implemented.
    The reason I believe is due to a line of Prime Ministers that have been either weak, incompetent or lazy in negotiations, leadership and belief in the United Kingdom.
    I fear as long as the UK is in this limbo, issues directly effecting all citizens of the UK will keep arising.

  24. Can’t believe how many people don’t know the difference between GB and UK and think living in NI makes them part of Britain. There’s a reason it’s called Brexit not UKexit and that’s because GB is England, Scotland, Wales but not Northern Ireland, politicians didn’t care what happens to NI and many would be glad to see a united Ireland and get rid of the problem. People of GB often consider NI to be nothing but trouble and a financial drain.


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