eBay.com has a promotion for all sellers to list up to 500 auctions for fixed price listings in any duration (bar Good ‘Til Cancelled) on eBay.com and eBay.ca. As an added bonus, you can add Buy It Now to these auction-style listings for free too!
Many times eBay promotions are limited to users registered in the country the promotion is being held. However the aff_link("https://pages.ebay.com/promo/2013/0829/Listings500.html","promotion page on eBay.com","","UK"); ?> states “This Promotion is available to all sellers. The Promotion is activated with the seller’s qualifying eBay User ID”. We’d suggest listing one item to double check that the fees are free before listing in bulk.
If you’re thinking of upgrading to a Featured or Anchor shop to test international selling, this would be an ideal opportunity to get some product listed on eBay.com and trial the American market.
The promotion runs from today until the 4th of September. Full details are on the aff_link("https://pages.ebay.com/promo/2013/0829/Listings500.html","eBay promotion page","","UK"); ?>.