Increased smartphone battery life could boost ecommerce

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What do we want from 2015? Maybe that’s a question better left unanswered.

But amongst the many predictions and wish lists abounding for 2015, it’s the basics that are ignored. So amen to this prediction from Tom Whipple who is a Science correspondent for The Times. It’s from a selection of look aheads on the EnterpriseNation blog. He says:

“I think there will be a big announcement about battery life technology. For the past decade, phone manufacturers have been trying to bamboozle us. They have introduced flashier graphics and faster processors. Yet with each passing year it has become more and more obvious that the single most important improvement a phone could have is a battery that lasts. Phone companies know it, scientists know it and a whole host of start-ups know it. There is a lot of money being thrown at batteries, because it is apparent that whoever solves this particular problem will make that money back a hundred times over.”

It seems fair to say that the rewards would be enormous in general but anything that boosts smartphone battery life is good news and, moreover, long overdue. It would be a huge boon for ecommerce too because when people are preserving those vital last moments of power for essential communication they aren’t shopping.

It is astonishing how many people you meet are looking to recharge or steal a bit of power to keep the phone bars juiced up. Waiting for the great leap forward.



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