I’ve just stumbled upon what looks like a great service for anyone who wants to deliver a file over the Internet and get paid for it. Fileship.io is like DropBox, but with an upfront payment from the recipient.
The Fileship service allows you to upload a file to their server, specify your price and your PayPal email address and generate a unique link to send to your buyer. Then you can sit back and wait for payment secure in the knowledge that your buyer won’t get the file until they’ve paid your fee. If the fee isn’t paid within seven days then the file is deleted forever (make sure you keep a back up copy!).
The service was dreamed up by Olivier Lesnicki, a part time musician and software developer. He describes the service saying “While working in the music and tech industry, I realized that there wasn’t any easy way to transfer files, that didn’t end in with some issue. Either being insecure, not getting paid or constantly being asked to send the files again and again. I wanted to build something that was simplistic and built around services already trusted. Therefore there is no logins needed, except to already be signed up to PayPal. Once you upload the file and send the link. You don’t need to do anything else“.
Fileship.io takes a commission of around 5% which is tacked on to your sale price, so as the seller you receive the full amount that you specify less the standard PayPal fees.
This looks ideal for anyone from a logo designer to someone like Olivier selling music scores. We’ve not tried the service but if you do let us know what you think and if it’s as easy to use as it looks.