XSellco has launched a new ‘Competitor Insights’ feature for Price Manager that helps Amazon sellers understand who they’re competing with and how they can gain a competitive advantage over them.
‘Competitor Insights’ shows users their Top 10 rivals for the Buy Box per marketplace and allows them to create rules to compete against them individually.
Price Manager users can immediately view their SKUs which are currently winning the Buy Box. Most importantly, however, is the ability to view, inspect and strike back at your most aggressive competitors.
Victor Corcoran, CEO of XSellco says: “The new Competitor Insights feature is a real game changer for our customers.Having the ability to spy on your strongest competitors and see which of your SKUs are losing the Buy Box is momentous. Now you can focus your strategy, create specific rules and compete more aggressively. It takes away the guesswork and genuinely gives you a competitive edge.”