Parcelhub enhances booking integration process

No primary category set

Parcelhub have made it easier to book selected shipments rather than have to book your entire outstanding list of orders.

There are any number of reasons why you may wish to do this, for instance you may have back orders for stock or have custom made items which aren’t ready to ship today. You might even have orders which you’d prefer to ship via a different booking service or direct with a carrier. Now, instead of processing shipments that aren’t ready or deleting orders before they are processed, you can select and book single or multiple shipments from a shipment list. This adds convenience for Parcelhub users adding flexibility for retailers to ship only the orders they need to despatch today.

“Merchants that are integrated with Parcelhub will now have the freedom to process orders in a manner that best suits their business model, rather than processing shipments that are not yet ready, or deleting multiple orders before they have been processed. This should increase speed and flexibility, particularly if processing a select number of shipments within a shipment list is helpful to them. This increase in flexibility is a building block for a more unified shipping process.”
– David Ward-Webster, IT Support, Parcelhub

Parcelhub currently integrates with a wide range of platforms, including Khaos Control Cloud, Khaos Control, Linnworks, Shopify, WooCommerce, Volo Commerce, Magento and many more, with free user-friendly carrier management software, accelerated label production, multi-carrier analytics/reporting, a dedicated Account Management team., in-house UK based software development, customer services and a single interface for 20+ carriers and 300+ services.

Future developments for Parcelhub’s multi-carrier delivery management platform aim to increase usability through customer, market, technology and internally-driven enhancements, and flexibility with more order management system, marketplace and customer service platform integrations.


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