Danish parcel lockers pilot with PostNord and SwipBox

PostNord, recognising the explosion of ecommerce parcel deliveries, are to pilot a parcel box solution in Denmark with parcel lockers located close to consumers homes.

PostNord are partnering with a company called SwipBox who develop software and hardware for self-service machines for the new infrastructure for the delivery of parcels. The pilot project features 200 digital parcel boxes and will start on March 21, 2019 in Kolding in Denmark. If the parcel lockers test provides positive results, there will be a rollout of parcel boxes throughout Denmark. The pilot and possible rollout will form the basis for further expansion in the other Nordic countries.

In Denmark, the parcel lockers will be called “Nærboks” and will be installed by the company Nordic Infrastructure, which is jointly owned by PostNord and SwipBox. Nordic Infrastructure is operated as an open parcel network, which means that all postal and logistics operators can deliver parcels to “Nærboks”. During the six-month test period, the Danish recipients will be able to collect parcels from the parcel boxes that are delivered by PostNord as well as other postal and logistics operators.

Recipients of PostNord deliveries will be able to use the PostNord App (a smartphone app that communicates with the parcel box via Bluetooth) to open the box and retrieve the parcel at a time that suits them.

This is an interesting development as in the UK parcel lockers have been standalone solutions with tiny coverage across the nation. A roll out parcel lockers isn’t new overseas however, Germany have had DHL Packstations for years. The differentiation with Nærboks is opening them up to other carriers.

“For some time now, we have recognized the need for new infrastructure for the delivery of parcels, with the aim that this increases convenience, provides flexibility for recipients and complements our existing delivery locations, i.e. delivery via partner outlets and home delivery. During the last few years, PostNord has tested various types of future delivery options, such as delivery to the trunks of cars and home deliveries to locked containers. The pilot project in Denmark is another step in this development.”
– Håkan Ericsson, President and Group CEO, PostNord


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