Join Tamebay at the London Scurri Meet on Tuesday the 22nd of October, an ecommerce event for retailers who want to gain insights from experts in order to secure the competitive edge.
The ecommerce landscape is changing rapidly and with it, customer expectations. We will be diving deep into the emerging trends that retailers need to know how to adapt to in order to be successful online.
There will be a of specialists and thought-leaders from some of the UK’s fastest growing ecommerce companies and thought-leaders to whom you can put your questions to.
Topics include:
- Ecommerce marketing: How to get traffic that buys to your website
- Where to focus your marketing manpower and budgets for maximum bottom line impact
- Achieving excellence across all the touch points to meet customer expectations
- The importance of Tracking to the customer experience
- How your Delivery strategy can increase your sales
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- The pitfalls of Peak
- Sustainability in retail
Tickets to the event are free, but you need to book in advance as places are limited