Coronavirus webinar: How to get back to work

Start Date:
Thursday 18th June 2020 - 11:00 am
End Date:
Thursday 18th June 2020 - 12:00 pm

With the government having announced their plans to slowly ease the lock down and for the country to transition to a ‘new normal’, business will slowly start getting back to work over the next weeks and months and this will mean changes to how you may have previously run your online business.

Amazon have seen sales up 16% in the first quarter of the year based on the same period last year, and are forecasting up to an 18% increase in the second quarter… and that’s despite limiting or halting shipping non-essential goods, pausing incoming shipments to FBA and pushing delivery dates out by four or five weeks to discourage sales. Although they may have limited sales of goods in FBA in favour of goods they judge to be essential products – business is booming.

Similarly, GFS the UK’s largest provider of global multi-carrier services, is seeing the highest parcel volumes ever recorded in their 17-year history – with the number of shipments being despatched and managed surpassing Christmas peak by more than 15%!

Yet, Coronavirus has had a profound effect not only on consumer purchasing but also on delivery – both in terms of changes in what consumers expect from delivery and the operational changes businesses have had to make to fulfil those services. All of which carries both cost and risk.

Whether your online sales have gone through the roof or you took the decision to put your business on pause – it’s time to ask, how has Coronavirus changed ecommerce? And, how do you need to adapt your delivery approach to survive and thrive under the ‘new normal?

Join us for a back to work Coronavirus webinar with GFS where we will examine:

  • How has Coronavirus disrupted ecommerce?
  • What challenges did this create for fulfilment and delivery, and how have businesses overcome this?
  • How has this changed customer delivery expectations?
  • What should we expect in the coming months as we head for Peak?
  • What should your checklist be to optimise delivery operations and costs in order to survive and thrive under the ‘new normal’?

Register now to save your place or receive a replay of the webinar as soon as it’s taken place.

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