eBay India launches bundled upgrade deal

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I know we have a couple of eBay India sellers who read TameBay, so here’s one just for you. eBay India have launched Pro Pack a bundled upgrade deal, where you can buy bold, border, highlight, Gallery Featured and Featured Plus for Rs.95 (normal price Rs.145). You’ll need to have feedback of 10 or higher, and Pro Pack can be added to any fixed price, auction or ad format listing.

Indian sellers can now also have Picture Show, where multiple pictures of their items are available as a slideshow at the top of the page. This feature is free, and is available on all listings with two or more pictures uploaded.

5 Responses

  1. You should also know that those indian sellers who read Tamebay … atleast open Tamebay twice a day .. I can atleast say about me for sure 🙂
    must add… this is the best place to know everything about ebay 🙂

  2. Might this means ebay is working up on a strategy for upselling certain seller segments? I bet a dinner here in Argentina 🙂

  3. Lots of changes happening here at ebay india in last few months and yes the new home page rollout also happened recently ….

    Though a few select sellers including me did have a preview and we all think its neatly presented.

    Some Other Changes : We had a new policy for smaller and new sellers about payments being kept on hold till 21 days or until the buyer confirmed item reciept which did not go very well with Most sellers.

    Also a change which rocked many sellers especially those dealing in custom made goods has become a real pain for many ….

    Whenever we recieve orders and the payment is made through the ebay india official payment mechanism ” PAISAPAY ” … a seller has to punch shipping details within 7 days OR the payment is auto refunded to the buyer .


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