eBay UK testing new feedback option

No primary category set

eBay UK have announced this afternoon that they’re running tests on new feedback options. Over the next 3 to 4 weeks, a “small percentage of buyers” will see a new feedback option, asking them to rate on a scale of 1 to 10 how likely they are to recommend their seller.

We don’t have any screen shots yet – if you’re one of the lucky buyers, please grab one for us! – but we’re told the option is the same as one being tested in the US and Germany, where it “has not had an impact on buyer ratings”. And eBay seem strangely concerned to reassure sellers over this test:

We assure you that this is a test. The collected data will have no influence on your seller feedback score, rating on search result pages, or seller discounts. When the test is complete, the data collected will not be connected to your user account.

Sellers, no doubt, will be asking themselves what was so urgent about this feedback test that it had to be done now, and couldn’t wait until January. After the weekend we’ve just had, ANY kind of change, tweak or test run on the site should be left until the holiday shopping season is well and truly over.

Update: added link to US version of the test.


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