If you want to know what the weather’s going to be like, you don’t need the Met Office or a barometer – you just need to check skirt sales on eBay. That’s the slightly bizarre claim made in yesterday’s Daily Mail.
Sales analysts have, apparently, noticed that sales of shorter skirts go up “several days” before warmer spells start, and longer skirts sell better before cooler weather. ‘We’re calling it Mini Skirt Meteorology,’ said eBay’s Ruth Szyszkowski. Are you, Ruth? Are you really?
Far be it from me to suggest that 1) eBay’s PR department have been in the sun too long, and 2) the Mail will take any excuse for a picture of a girl in a short skirt. I’m just impressed that these psychic shoppers manage to get their orders in early enough to allow for pre-hot-spell delivery:
During the recent hot spell, it is claimed that demand for short skirts soared by 200 per cent a full seven days ahead of the actual event – well ahead of the Met Office forecast.
And for the sake of equality, I offer you this totally gratuitous picture of a bloke in shorts. No need to thank me. 😉