There’s one page I always look at when I’m buying on eBay – and it’s not the seller’s feedback: it’s their About Me page. I’ve always loved Me pages, because they’re one of the best ways to figure out exactly what you’re dealing with. But lately, I’ve noticed more and more sellers using them to list shop policies about payments, shipping and returns, and that makes me feel sad. While you should certainly have pages in your Store for T&Cs, About Me is surely a chance to be a little bit more personal, and to sell me on *you*.
What do I say about me?
This is what I’d always include in an About Me page:
- contact details – even though they’re now on listings too, having them somewhere obvious makes it easier for your buyers to contact you. Which in turn, makes you look like someone who’s happy to help, and is therefore going to be easier to buy from.
- what your site/shop is about/for – it’s easy for people to surf straight into a product page from Google. Your home page should give a flavour of what your site is about; your about me page is the chance to go into more detail.
- why are you qualified to be selling what you’re selling? – if you’re a craft seller who makes jewellery, talk about it: better still, show some pictures. If your eBay shop grew out of your car or music obsession, talk about that.
- why should I trust your business? If you’ve been trading ten years, or have a bricks & mortar shop, or are a member of a dozen trade organisations, talk about that. It all makes your customers feel they’re dealing with someone who’s established, who’s likely to stick around, and who’s therefore more trustworthy.
- something about me – you’re a human being, right? So are your customers. It’s easier to build up a relationship with another human (or group of humans) than it is with a website, and talking about yourself aside from work helps that. If there are a few of you, how about a “meet the team” section?
Me, or we?
If you’re a “one person band” trading out of your back bedroom, should your Me page talk about “me” or “us”? It may depend on what area you sell in: consumer electronics’ buyers, for example, might feel more confident in a company that’s going to stick around to honour their guarantees in the event of a problem further down the line, so if that’s what you’re selling, you might want to talk bigger than you actually are.
But in general, if you’re a sole trader, there’s nothing wrong with talking about “me”: if your customers know it’s just you, they should cut you a little more slack in time to answer email, in phoning out of hours and in being on holiday. If someone’s going to look down on you for being a sole trader, they’re probably not the kind of snob you want for a customer anyway.
eBay About Me pages : what you can and can’t say
The eBay About Me page is justly famous for being the only place on the site where eBay allow sellers to link their own website. But there’s often some confusion about exactly what eBay will let you say; aff_link("","the UK policy says","aboutme","UK"); ?>:
The eBay About Me page may be used to describe the seller’s business, and may contain URLs or links to the seller’s individual website. It may not specifically promote off eBay sales or sales of items prohibited on eBay, nor may it contain links to commercial web sites where goods from multiple sellers are aggregated by a common search engine.
What does this mean? You can link to your website, but you can’t promote it. In other words, you can say “we have a website at”, but you can’t say “our website at is 30% cheaper than our eBay shop”. You also can’t link your listings on Amazon, Etsy, Bonanzle or any other market place site.
What’s your About Me page like? Leave us a link to your website or eBay Shop, and let’s take a look.
photo credit: quinn.anya
16 Responses
For some it may be a question of do I trust the “about me” visitor!
Always a consideration when placing personal information in the public domain.
If the world was completely honest I am convinced “about me” pages would be extremely entertaining!
Until it is we have to consider both “customers” and “visitors” when considering the content of our “about me” pages.
I don’t think I have ever looked at an ‘about me’ page, you must be weird Sue 😀
I don’t have an about me page and I have never looked at an about me page.
I had an About Me page for eons, in fact I still have an About Me page on eBay. It and my feedback are all that is left.
I agree Sue, I love checking out About Me pages on every site I visit and in some cases, it makes or breaks a sale.
Not sure what my ebay about me page does for my business, but it does give folks an idea who I am.
Good Idea about adding contact details, I shall do it right away.
Sue thanks my ME page is dreadful even the template i used is faulty i will use your tips!
I always look for and read the me page and feedback maybe its a woman thing?
i do explain why i sell what i sell but its as confusing as the rest of ebay shop is.
I would love some advise on how to improve / completely re do my shop.
can anyone receomend a some one who does that? Though it must be cheap as i intend to use ebay to get buyers then use ebay allowed ways to show buyers who bought my website.
If the rules are the same ME page is the only place on ebay you are allowed to put exterunal links so it is important i think
I am also trying to set up a webite but i dont have any tech skills and cant work out if paying a lump sum up front is better than paying monthly?
I was looking at volusion or shopify grateful of any help i just want a webite thats clean and tidy and has the er meta pages done with poss some on going help if needed i have quote £7k which is out of question for me i have about £700 but would rather spent less.
Sorry way of topic and very confusing (dyslexic)
Just updated mine…
“What’s your About Me page like?”
Over the years, my lancs lad one has grown – considerably 🙂
I always liked the one (cannot it find now) that when you clicked on the ‘me’ page, you get a bloody great big blown up picture of a dog snarling at the unsuspecting looker….
Very welcoming!!.
These are great tips! However, I found a great new site where I don’t need to worry about this issue which I love. let’s buyers post what they want and then sellers (me) find them directly and make them an offer. Plus, they have a great ID rating system.