eBay Resolution Centre return cases glitch

No primary category set

If you’ve received a Return Request through the eBay Resolution centre you may have a problem. Some users are finding that clicking on the “Take Action” link is leading to an error page stating that “The information you requested is currently unavailable. Please try again at a later time”.

As all sellers will well know buyers who take the time to request a return are very very welcome in comparison to buyers who simply start a charge back. Return requests aren’t counted against your Seller Standards, but if they’re not responded to promptly then the chances are that the buyers may choose a different type of resolution to initiate a return and this will impact your Seller Standards.

Regardless of opened cases it’s good practise to respond promptly to all buyer communications and it’ll certainly impact your feedback and Detailed Seller Ratings if you’re tardy in responding.

The best advice is if you see a return request and can’t access it then telephone eBay customer as they will be able to see the case details. They’ll be able to help you respond to the case and keep your buyers happy.

14 Responses

  1. There is also a Paypal payment received message glitch currently that Paypal are trying to sort. Payment received messages are not appearing in the inbox for some users such as me. Its covered in the eBay forum. Fortunately I rely on 3rd party software to keep me informed but for those who rely on the stream of paypal messages it must be a pain.

    eBay/Paypal seem to be getting a bit glitchy right now. Just what we need as we enter the Xmas sales season. 🙁

    Maybe eBay should spend some of Skype’s $2.5B on making their sites glitch free and stable.

  2. This has been a problem for ages. I have been getting this for a few weeks on and off.

  3. I too had this problem today, I was using Explorer 9, after changing to Firefox i can now enter the dispute and complete as normal. There must be a problem with Explorer its worth a go trying other brousers.

  4. This has been like this for months. Soooooo temperamental. Ongoing problem. I estimate its “unavailable” for approx 3 hours every day with no pattern. I have noticed this glitch over the last 12 months at least. Other sellers I am sure will verify the same.

  5. Listing frame header links to highlighted shop catagories don’t work.

    Out of office message function cannot be set up.

    Maybe we should list every eBay function and issue here. Its all very well eBay claiming in their latest set of results to investors that they have plenty of new feature and product launches coming up but what about fixing the existing features.

    These seem to get forgotten once they are launched whether they work or otherwise.

  6. @ Gary,

    ‘Listing frame header links to highlighted shop catagories don’t work’

    Thanks for that, I didn’t know.

    I have just removed mine so ‘buyers’ don’t end up in a blind alley and I will talk to CS on Monday.

  7. We just picked up a negative feedback from this glitch — we were given no email notification of the case raised for an item lost in the post. The buyer was understandably miffed at not having had any response.


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