Don’t be too generous with your postie’s Christmas tip!

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As we all know, eBay sellers up and down the land are among the most generous and magnanimous of folk, who can hardly help themselves with a generous gift or tip.

But be warned, Royal Mail have told staff not to accept gifts or tips, be they money, other items or hospitality, in excess of £30 because it could be considered a bribe under the new Bribery Act. Gifts must not, Royal Mail has said, must not be taken in return for a favour, such as an early delivery.

The Royal Mail website says: “It’s the season of goodwill. But it’s important to be careful about accepting gifts so you don’t fall foul of the Bribery Act. A bribe is not just about money, it could be any gift, hospitality or favour. Gifts may only be given or accepted up to a value of £30; any gifts over £30 must be politely declined.”

So, be warned ever generous eBayers and ecommerce merchants of British. Don’t did too deep for the tips.

Do you tip your postie at Yuletide? And how much?

12 Responses

  1. I give my regular evening collection posties a bottle of plonk each at Christmas (apart from when they went on strike 😛 ). It’s a small thank you for good service during the year. I know they are paid to do their jobs, but I also know that they appreciate it.

  2. tip our postie? nope!

    Our UPS man get a serious bung though, we love our UPS guy!!

  3. I remember when I was a Mini Cab Driver and a passenger said to me do you want and tip. I said yes and he replied don’t wash your hair with your cap on.

  4. Tip Royal Mail, iv been rolling arond the floor in laughter, heres a tip – dont forget to take those red while u were out cards when u go on ur rounds so our customers know uv been!

    Can anyone else think of any?

    This will be the longest thread eva lol

  5. Have always tipped my postie because here in Wigton Cumbria I get superb service from posties and sorting office – was down at S/O at 7.30 with a query this morning which was resolved in a speedy and friendly manner (for example)
    £30 is excessive mind you (it’s the month’s profits gone in a stroke)
    ALSO do I give it to the Sorting Office direct or to the postie? I confess that I do use them less and less as well – am now with Amazon FBA and also use a courier for bigger items but hope they get their act together & don’t price themselves out of the market altogether next April

  6. Hi
    Yes I always give my Post people a gift at Christmas. Round here they give good service are polite and delivery my mail and parcels in a prompt way.

    They deserve a little thank you.

  7. I’ve always tipped the postie. Both the lady who delivers each day and the guys who used to come collect the umpteen sacks every day. She’s been tipped early this year, as I’m moving house on Tuesday to London!


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