It’s always good to hear of companies doing well, and ekmPowershop, having grown to just about the biggest shopping cart solution in the UK have set their sights on conquering the rest of the world.
It was less than 12 months ago that ekmPowershop who have been hugely successful in the UK spread their wings with – a Spanish version of their easy to use shopping cart solution. Almost a year on and the ecommerce giant has 4 more foreign markets to add to their growing list of global accomplishments… as they set their sights on South America.
Latin American businesses are already selling online for the first time ever, using versions of built especially for regions as varied as Mexico, Colombia and even further afield.
Last week marked the 7th “Internet Day” across most of Latin America and other nations where the Internet is emerging rapidly; a United Nations initiative aimed at raising awareness on how new technologies can improve peoples’ lives.
Steven Hickey, Head of Marketing and Business Development at ekmPowershop comments: “Taking to developed and emerging markets is really exciting. Results from our Lat-am initiative just weeks in have surprised us all – in a region where the Internet is only just becoming available to lots of ordinary people. Things are really springing to life there, online shopping included. That’s on top of a solid 10 months in Spain, so we’re delighted with year one of our overseas efforts“.
From Europe to South America,’s global strategy looks to be delivering early results. On the continent, has established a healthy market share in Spain with its French project, due later in the summer. That will be the 6th foreign version of their ecommerce solution in the space of a year. The folks at have been busy!