Apparently all the rage this year, eBay have a aff_link("","Pop Cake Maker for £19.99","","UK"); ?> on the daily deals today. It won’t be here in time for Christmas (a mistake by the seller for not offering expedited delivery, or intentional so as not to disappoint?), but it’ll be great for New Years parties.
Named after American Popsicles, or what we’d call a lolly, the Pop Cake Maker comes with everything you need including the cooling rack and 50 Pop sticks. The aim is to make little spherical cakes which you dunk in chocolate or icing and cover in sprinkles. The resulting Pop Cakes will go down a storm with your kids and if you can bear the mess they’ll have even more fun making and decorating the cakes than they have eating them once they’re done.
This product is being sold by the Co-operative (masquerading as Electrical 123, I guess they don’t want you to know that they trade on eBay). Sadly as is often the case they’ve also got illegal Terms and Conditions, whilst they offer the requisite 7 day cooling off period they go on to say that a full refund might not be processed dependent on the condition of the returns goods. You’d think Co-op would get their T’s and C’s right!
Still if you’re looking for something to keep your kids occupied in the post Christmas rainy days the Pop Cake Maker should be safe enough, bar the mess your little ones are sure to leave in your kitchen!
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