On Monday, John Hayes of iContact will be leading a webinar called Building An Email Marketing Plan for the Holiday Season.
You can sign up and read all the details here.
And to avoid all confusion, owing to the clocks changing in Europe but not in the States (that’s a week later) 11am EDT this week (and for one week only) equals 3pm GMT.
Here’s a brief précis: “For many organizations the busy Q4 holiday sales period is the pinnacle of the business year. It’s a time to get busy, drive revenues, build profits and plan up for the year ahead. Make no mistake, the opportunity for those willing to put the work in and develop a comprehensive strategy (across all areas of their business – not just marketing) is huge.
During this special webinar, marketing strategist and author, John W. Hayes will explain why email marketing is so important at this time of the year and help you take your first steps to ensuring a profitable holiday season.”