If you’re a developer selling digital products across Europe then from the 1st of January 2015 you’ll need to start charging your users the VAT rate in the country that they reside, not your domestic VAT rate.
If that’s you then you may find a VAT calculator from Paddle handy. It shows the rates applying to digital content (including apps, music, games and e-books) from 1st January 2015 in the 28 EU member states.
The VAT Calculator is free to download for the latest version of MS Office. You simply select the country of your customer, the type of digital service you’re supplying and the calculator will display the rate of VAT you should be collecting.
Alternatively if administering VAT through a Mini One Stop Shop sounds too complicated, you could use Paddle’s eCommerce platform to sell your apps and solutions, removing you and your business from the VAT scope entirely!