Reflections on #Tamebay@10 Part 5: Dear Readers…

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Approaching Tamebay’s 10th Birthday, Chris and I have been reflecting on the journey we’ve had over the past decade. Here are some of our other posts. I hope you’ll crave our indulgence.

(And don’t forget that we are having a birthday party to mark the landmark. And do come and join in the celebrations.)

In this post I’d like to celebrate you, one of our band of readers. There are thousands of you and you make Tamebay what it is. You’re never shy about commenting, criticising us, tipping us off or letting us know what’s affecting your business. You’ll often fill in the gaps of a story from your coal-face knowledge.

Happy is the day when we get a reader email us with a great story and make no mistake: we get our best stories from you. Thanks, snouts, and keep the scoops coming. It’s always interesting seeing the emails come in. I recall one Sunday when eBay had fallen over and we had no doubt there was a problem because half a dozen emails arrived in quick succession all with identical reports of the glitch underway. When we get that sort of input we can confidently report problems.

And the comments, the discussion generated, are a really important part of Tamebay. It’s where nuggets of expertise can be shared and we can hear from your experiences. Over the course of 10 years, and more than 10k posts, you’ve collectively made nearly 70k comments. And, interestingly, we’ve moderated very few. We prefer a business like exchange but we’re not totally averse to a tangential conversation. Steam trains seem to a popular thread when a discussion veers off topic.

Often people will ask us “why haven’t you written about so and so?” And my response is often “we didn’t know about it”. So if you think there are things we should be writing about, never hesitate to ping us.

Our aim is to have a good relationship with readers and, to a great extent, I think we succeed. But it’s probably better for you to be the judge of that. I know you won’t be shy in the comments. 😉

So, thank you. Chris and I couldn’t do this without you. You are Tamebay. Often on a Sunday evening as we chat on the phone and contemplate the week ahead, and what we’re gonna write about, the so-called ‘story cupboard’ seems rather bare. But you always come up trumps. Keep the tip offs coming.



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