Amazon is currently hiring for more than 100,000 seasonal jobs across its network of customer fulfillment and delivery facilities this year. Newly hired applicants will benefit from the new Amazon $15 minimum hourly wage, weekly paychecks for seasonal roles, flexible shift opportunities to fit within busy schedules, the option of receiving job information via text messaging and a new application process that helps fit job seekers to the right building and the right role.
Amazon hiring teams across the country are continuing to hold job fairs, especially in California, Illinois, Washington, Kentucky, New Jersey, and Florida, where the hiring need is greatest for fulfilment centres, sortation centre, and delivery stations.
For those who are looking for short-term roles to help pay for gifts or supplement other income, this is a great opportunity to try a role with Amazon for the first time. We also have team members who return to work at Amazon during the holidays year after year. Since the $15 minimum wage announcement, we are seeing a great response from job applicants and are encouraged in our early efforts to lead in pay for hourly employees.
– Dave Clark, SVP, Amazon Operations
In response to the $15 minimum wage announcement made on October 2nd this year, they say it has had an encouraging response:
- More than 70,000 applications were received in the first 48 hours post announcement
- More applications were received in the week after the announcement than in the entire month of August
- Traffic to AmazonDelivers.Jobs was up 180%
- Tens of thousands of interested job applicants have already picked their preferred shift and attended hiring events across the US
Roughly average 90% of fulfilment centre associates are regular, full-time employees. And many seasonal staff go on to take full time positions. To get a sense of the scale of Amazon, we wrote a piece here: Amazon employees could populate a small country.