Export support service from UK government

No primary category set

Are you unsure about the customs process for the UK-EU border? The UK government has launched an export support service for UK businesses to answer your export-related questions by phone or online. This is a free service which you can access at gov.uk/ask-export-support-team

The service covers topics that include the following:

  • Exporting to new markets
  • Required paperwork for selling your goods abroad
  • Rules for a specific country where you want to sell services

The export support team will try to answer your question straight away. If they do not know the answer, they’ll contact you within 3 working days.

You can contact the export support service via telephone on 0300 303 8955 or ask a question online here.

Amazon have published a link to the UK government export support service and are also keen to hear your comments about the service and how we might improve their own services as a result. If you’d like to share your views with Amazon and let them know what support you would appreciate for cross border selling on Amazon, you can do so here.

Register for Tamebay Live 2022 Title Sponsor AmazonFor further help from Amazon, register to attend Tamebay Live and on the third day of the event, the 27th of January, Amazon will present a masterclass on Expanding Your Business to Europe with Amazon New Cross-Border Fulfilment Programs.

You can register for the event for free here and you’ll also be able to watch all masterclasses on demand after the event if you miss any.


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