eBay are making improvements to the Authenticity Guarantee process for Handbags, which will give more visibility to both buyers and sellers.
Put simply, very occasionally the wrong item will be shipped or possibly the correct item shipped by mis-matched with images of another item in the listing process. Now this will be communicated to the buyer and seller giving them options of how to proceed. Previously, all the seller would get is notification that the item wasn’t judged to be authentic, with no additional information to reveal what issues might have arisen…. especially annoying if it was a mis-pick and the correct item is still sitting on a shelf in the warehouse!
eBay’s current Handbags authentication process includes 2 steps:
- Authentication
- Listing accuracy
In some cases, items can be authentic but eBay’s experts discover a discrepancy between the item and what was described in the listing. When this happens, eBay communicates to the buyer what the discrepancy is and gives the buyer the opportunity to either proceed with the transaction or return the item back to the seller.
In the new experience launching at the end of September, both buyers and sellers will be alerted when a discrepancy is found with details of the issue.
You will start getting notifications when a Listing Accuracy issue is found in Seller Hub and via email.
Listing Accuracy details will be sent to your email along with new notifications in your Purchase History and View Order Details pages asking you to provide a response from a new ‘Inspection Details’ Page.
eBay are are starting with Handbags US this year and will start ramping up to other categories and markets in the first half of 2024.