eBay UK have aff_link("https://www2.ebay.com/aw/uk/200806031536412.html","just announced that","ppuk","UK"); ?> as of today, all listings on the site must offer PayPal as a payment method. Sellers may continue to offer other payment methods as well, subject to the aff_link("https://pages.ebay.co.uk/help/policies/accepted-payments-policy.html","accepted payments policy","ppuk","UK"); ?>. Sellers running good til cancelled Shop listings will need to amend these before they are auto-relisted.
Rather strangely, eBay don’t seem to have added anything about this policy to the SYI form; I was just able to aff_link("https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300230458669","list an item","ppuk","UK"); ?> with personal cheque as the only listed method of payment, with no errors thrown up by eBay whatsoever. This kind of policy change needs to be communicated to sellers before they breach it; having a new “safe payments” policy and then relying on community reporting to enforce it is, quite honestly, a waste of time. Yet again, the policy and the implementation are worlds apart on eBay.
7 Responses
Please could you tell me where this announcement was made? I have just looked at the announcement board in MyEbay but the lastest thing there is the seller dashboard changes dated 30/5.
Chris, the announcment is linked from the post, in the first sentence. Sorry if that isn’t clear enough; the link to the AB post is
Sorry Sue, I couldn’t understand where the link was because I had just been in MyEbay and no announcement, but I have just been back and it is there now! Perhaps announcements don’t go to everybody at quite the same time.
The PayPal requirement was in place on the Australian SYI listing form from the first day – 21st May. I thought that the UK was supposed to get this in April, was there any official reason it was delayed? The announcement was made about three or four weeks prior to the Australian announcement.
Kind Regards, Kevin
Kevin – it was officially delayed, but no official reason was given for that.
Last time I updated Turbo Lister it showed Paypal as a fixed option which you can’t remove, so I assumed it was compulsory already.
The obvious problem is that now UK sellers need to see paypal and ebay as equally important to the survival of their ebay sales
If you should get suspended or just limited this will be the end of your business even if your ebay feedback is perfect and there are no problems with SNP etc. whatsoever
This means it is time to become “paypal-sensitive” and understand how to deal with disputes and complaints which especially new sellers do not understand