225 hours for nothing

A thief that stole £10,500 from eBay buyers remortgaged his house to repay the money. 27 year old Imran Akram conned buyers mainly in the states with auctions for laptops and other electronic equipment that he never possesed. His excuse was he needed to pay off debts from University, one has to wonder why he didn’t simply remortgage his house in the first place. Akram was tracked down by eBay, PayPal, the police and even the FBI in the US, others considering similar fraud should consider if they really need that kind of attention!

Akram escaped jail by confessing and repaying his debt, but what looked like a smart get rich quick scheme has left him serving 225 hours community service and a criminal record. Hopefully as a computer student he learnt more then how to run scams on eBay. He’d best hope employers looking to employ computer administrators don’t mind trusting their networks to someone who’ll happily use computers for theft!



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