eBay UK : "we'll process FVF discounts manually"

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There’s good news this afternoon for some sellers with DSR/FVF discount problems. Those who are incorrectly being told they are not PowerSellers and have received zero DSRs in the last 30 days should be getting their discounts after all. Pinkie James has just posted [PS sign in required]:

We’ve identified the problem and confirmed that it has affected a very small number of members. We apologise for the frustration the wait will have caused as we’ve worked on the problem. It will be fixed in the next rollout of the Dashboard (this will be the rollout of the full version not the version currently in use. We will of course manually back-credit anyone who hasn’t but should have received their discounts and will pass on details of how this will be done once finalised.

Affected sellers, do feel free to keep us up to date on the status of your discounts. I’ve said it before and no doubt I’ll be saying it again: this roll-out has been the biggest fiasco I’ve ever seen in eBay’s history, and the program should have been delayed until everything was working properly.

6 Responses

  1. Oh look I’m famous. 🙂

    … and there’s a reason for the mushroom picture in my sig on there too. 😈

    I wonder if eBay would have brushed this under the carpet had myself and others not been so vocal? I also wonder how many are affected by this that have no idea or are unaware of this problem. I will still be pushing for this problem to be announced on the main annoucement page as well.

    PS support were utterly hopeless in all this, despite being directed to pink posts on the PS board, three times they told me I was wrong and that it was correct that I wasn’t a powerseller and I had zero DSR’s, which was so blindingly and obviously wrong it’s unbelivable. All in all a frustrating experience, a less persistant person may have given up. I really do hope this gets sorted out and correctly ASAP.

  2. how many are affected by this that have no idea or are unaware of this problem.

    That’s why it’s on here as well Richard 🙂

  3. Still no April invoice to view but managed to have a look at the detail by changing the date range.

    As anticipated no discount applied despite qualifying.

    I feel a headache coming on. 😥

  4. ‘PS support were utterly hopeless in all this”…dont think you can blame PS support richard. if the big wigs at the towers dont know there ars*s from there elbows how could PS support give you the answers you required!! i dont know about you, but when i work in any customer support roles, i never told people things that werent accurate, just to fob them off. PS support are just doing what there told to say. eBay management need to take some accountability for this and sort this mess out!!!

  5. abs,
    PS support were directed TWICE to posts by pinks on the PS board telling them that the info they were giving me was wrong, yet still they told me both I and the eBay pinks were wrong. I still have the emails to prove it. It was so damn frustrating trying to point out the blindingly obvious each time.

    Ar*e and elbow syndrome seems to be the only thing happening with a lot at eBay at the moment. Not being in possession of the facts is one thing, not being able to use simple common sense is not acceptable customer service in any book.


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