Terapeak have just released Terapeak Keywords, a new Selling Manager Application available for Selling Manager users. When researching a product title for an eBay listing it can help you optimise your listing title for maximum exposure in search results.
Terapeak Keywords samples 100 recent listings for your keyword search and suggest related keywords for your item title. Along with each suggested keyword are metrics showing average prices items with that keyword combination sold for.
Users can click the most valuable relevant keywords to add them to their search term until they’ve constructed a title using the maximum 55 characters. Each time you add a keyword the suggestions list refreshes to continue refining relevancy.
I really like this tool, it is similar to eBay Research Lab’s BayEstimate tool, which has sadly been abandoned using outdated data from early 2008. Constructing relevant titles has always been important to get your listings found in search and that’s even more true since the introduction of Best Match.
The only downside to the free Terapeak Keywords tool is that it’s in SM apps and until they come to the UK I can’t subscribe. If your eBay account is registered on eBay.com then add Terapeak Keywords to your SM Apps today and let us know how you get on.