Life after eBay – Andrew Dudley Postal Supplies

Many who have been around eBay for a few years will remember Andrew Dudley, erstwhile eBay poster child and arguably once one of the best known UK eBay sellers, ever present at eBay Universities. In fact if you dig into Tamebay’s achieves you’ll find our very first entries mention the Dudleys and Tamebay finding a Russian Vodka restaurant in Exeter.

Since quitting eBay and moving on Andrew has had a somewhat interesting career and currently describes himself an “activist dedicated to raising awareness of deforestation”. This morning I’ve been inundated with people pointing me towards a video of his latest escapade where apparently making crowing noises isn’t against the law – he had a ticket to the event and he was released with no charges by the police.

This isn’t the last we’ll see of Andrew – his next target is apparently back in the UK at the Houses of Parliament!

6 Responses

  1. interesting – he used to sell a warehouse full of packaging materials…now campaigns against deforestation – is he having a guilt complex for his past business? lol

    Funny – at 33 seconds, you can still hear him crowing in the background…hilarious!

  2. Love it! He was always a bit of a self publicist. Wasn’t he the first “Power Seller of the month” and a founder member of “FOEB”?


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