Tamebay Ecommerce Cup won by Genie and the Geek

The 2012 Tamebay Ecommerce Cup Managed by Genie and the Geek was won by… Genie and the Geek! And no it wasn’t a fix, although it’s obvious those boys have played football before – it was a hard won final against the gallant runners up, Metapack.

Arriving at 6.30pm it was looking as though the weather was going to be less than kind – there was lightening as I drove up the M40. However the rain stopped just before the 7pm kick off and held off for the rest of the evening.

The cup, kindly supplied by the guys at Trophies247 was much admired with more than one team asking “Shall we just take it now…”. Unfortunately there was the little matter of the football matches to play to decide who was going to take it home.

We’ll get you the full scores tomorrow, but I know there are some matches you’ll want to know the results of, Amazon beat eBay, but eBay group held their own with Gumtree and PayPal hanging in there until the later stages of the tournament. ChannelAdvisor turned up with by far the largest team of supporters but were beaten in the dying minutes by the boys from eSellerPro (who incidentally were last to leave the bar).

Linnworks turned up with the largest team, 10 players for five a side, they were really serious about not running out of subs. Seko’s goalkeeper turned out to be one of the stars of the show when the sudden death penalties turned into a marathon, somewhere around 10 penalties were taken before the match was decided.

eBay and Amazon both turned up with spot prizes, and of course the cup is now on it’s way to Manchester where it’ll stay the year at Genie and the Geek’s office.

Thanks to everyone

Many thanks to everyone who took part in the competition, the supporters who turned up on a damp evening to cheer them on and especially to Genie and the Geek for managing the entire tournament. However there will be another day, there will be another Ecommerce Cup Tournament, next time someone has to beat them!

Get ready for next year

Next time we’ll have more teams playing and give more time for training. eSellerPro have apparently already re-written their recruitment criteria and are on the hunt for new players. If you think you’ve got a chance of winning make sure you enter for the next round to steal the cup away and get your name engraved on it.

And now for the photos

If any of the teams wish to download images from Tamebayphotos Flickr stream please feel free. Otherwise email me and I’ll be happy to send the originals over.

7 Responses

  1. A massive thank you to everyone for making this a fantastic event. Something new however the passion and will to win was immense!

  2. Of course a team from Manchester were going to beat a bunch of soft southerners :). Well done Tayyab and co. CA – I’m disappointed in you guys (what with the fancy kit and all).

  3. Good fun. The highlight was ESP and CA dropping out in the group matches.

    LW is now hiring for any position in the company as long as you have solid 10 years experience in 5-a-side 🙂

  4. Please consider Brightpearl as formally ‘up for it’ next time round! Tell us when and where and we’ll be there! (except me, because I’m in San Francisco)


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