Online sellers work hard. Many work on their own and it’s safe to say that there’s a lot to do. Sourcing stock, listing the products, taking orders, packing orders, sending orders and on top of that comes e-mailing, taking calls and oh, maybe a lunch break now and then.
Are you working harder and harder and seeing your profits slide? If you’re a new business are you busy selling loads and wondering why you’re not making the profits you think you should?
With so much to do, it can occasionally be difficult to make time to look after the details of your business. But that certainly doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. If you don’t look after your margins and make sure they make sense you may end up doing a lot of hard work for nothing.
eSellerPro have produced a guide especially useful for beginners in today’s competitive ecommerce environment. The guide is written in partnership with iwoca, who with there expertise in assessing small businesses for online loans are experienced in spotting when a business has potential and when they’re busy but not making a profit.
You can download the Healthy Margins guide for free from the eSellerPro website and find out how to ensure you’re making a profit.