Tamebay are often out and about, and throughout the year attending different events, which we’re often invited to speak at. The latest was at Brightpearl’s CA101 live in Manchester and Liverpool a few weeks ago.
Alongside Brightpearl, Onya innovations and Beadman Solutions, I was invited to talk to offline retailers about why they should consider selling on eBay and just how much business there is out there.
Obviously my focus was on the sheer amount of traffic that eBay have and how to maximise your exposure on their sites, but also the opportunities that cross border trade have to offer.
The first video is a round up of all the speakers (7 mins) and the second is my half hour presentation (31 mins).
CA101, or “Commerce Acceleration 101” to give it it’s full name, is Brightpearl’s free education program. You can sign up to access the CA101 free resources and to get notified of when their “CA101 Live” events take place.
If you’re holding an event and are interested in getting Dan or myself to talk please do get in touch. Otherwise here are the videos so that you can see what we get up to in our spare time:
3 Responses
Well done Chris – great video. That really helps answer some strategy questions I had!
if your running a business and you need to sit in a bar in liverpool to be convinced to use ebay your in a bad way
in fact if you even have the time to sit and listen to lectures your doing something wrong, lol