eBay’s new Cassini search rank goal is to treat search as a way to connect every shopper to the listings and sellers that are most interesting to them, as quickly and as easily as possible. This is a major shift from time ending soonest or even Best Match which is mainly driven by listing popularity (ie what sells best).
To achieve this under Cassini, other dimensions of the listing and selling process will significantly affect the rankings—listing titles, catalogue entries and item specifics, complete item descriptions, seller performance and customer satisfaction, as well as the performance of particular listings and products over time.
If you’d like to learn more eSellerPro are holding a webinar tomorrow, Tuesday 19th November, 2013 – 11:00am. The webinar is free but you’ll need to register in advance to save your place.
5 Responses
I got the time wrong 😀
Will it be available to watch online at some point?
Hey Whirly
You didn’t miss anything. It was pretty average, and nothing new that I could see. It was very similar info to the 30,000ft view of everything which eBay’s Hugh Williams gave out months ago:
And what pray is wrong with organising an eBay search by using a basic search string (with or without conditional factors) or even just time ending soonest or cheapest price incl P&P?
No lets re-invent the wheel and try and break the already broken Best Match search farce.
This is not about improving basic or advanced search this is all about putting in place a system that can then be used to monetise the search, ads and subsequent ad/listing placement function.
Guess who is going to pay for that!