If you sell on Amazon, it might be worth checking that you have received the money you’re expecting. We’ve received several reports here at TameBay from Amazon sellers saying that their recent expected disbursements have been delayed.
The sellers in question seem to be those who expected disbursements on the 1st and 2nd of May but other dates have been mentioned. In each case, the seller has got in touch with Amazon who have promised to sort out the problem and make a new payment.
Perhaps with any organization of scale, problems like this are inevitable. But it is certainly at least the second time of late that we’ve reported disbursement problems which is a source of disquiet.
Have you been affect by these delays?
2 Responses
We received an email regarding our Amazon payment on Friday 2nd as expected. Then we received a second email on Monday 5th. Normally payment would reach the bank today, but it has not, so I guess it was not sent until Monday 5th.
disbursement delays… So what’s new?
It would be less work if you guys at tamebay told us whne there is wasn’t delays with disbursements.
Seems to be the norm these days to have the delays