Temu Brand Awareness in the US

Category: Data & Insights
Temu Brand Awareness in the US

YouGov Self-serve have created an overview of Temu brand awareness levels in the US and how its recent efforts to reach audiences have resonated with American consumers. Findings from the YouGov Self-serve survey reveal that nearly nine in ten Americans polled (88%) have heard of Temu. Further, women are significantly more likely than men (95% vs. 80%) to have heard of the discount online retailer.

Advertising is the leading factor driving awareness, according to YouGov data. More than half of all American adults who are aware of Temu (52%) say they have heard of the brand via advertising and, 77% of Americans who’ve heard of the brand say they’ve seen an advertisement for Temu in the past three months.

There are few gender differences in how people are hearing about the viral retail brand. Women are more likely than men to have heard of Temu via friends and family (22% vs. 18%) and online search (18% vs. 10%). Men, on the other hand, are more likely to have heard of the brand through the news (9% vs. 3%). Similar proportions of men and women have seen an advertisement for Temu in the past three months.

Nearly three in five (56%) Americans who have heard of the brand say they have never bought from Temu. However, nearly a quarter of Americans who are aware of Temu (24%) say they are likely to buy from the brand again. Fewer respondents, 15%, are unlikely to buy from the site again.

Looking at the age divide among consumers, data shows that the youngest lot (18-to-29-year-olds) are most likely across age groups (34%) to say they are likely to make a repeat purchase from Temu. Notably, 30-to-44-year-olds are most unlikely to purchase from the brand again (22%).

US adults between the ages of 45 and-64 are the most likely not to have made a purchase from Temu (62%).

YouGov conclude that nearly half or more of American shoppers who have heard of Temu have never shopped from it. Given the considerable proportions of US adults who have heard of the brand (88%), the ecommerce platform still has its work cut out in taking the consumers from converting awareness to customers.


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