What do you do with unsaleable stock?

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Sunday will see many sitting down at 7pm to watch the World Cup final on the tellybox and I suspect many England supporters will be lamenting the fact England were so rubbish. None more so however, than the thousands of sellers who stocked up on England merchandise and are now stuck with it desperate to unload at any price.

England-iPhone-SkinWhilst some products like England Football shirts will retain some residual value for a while to come, those which are specifically World Cup 2014 will be pretty hard to shift at any price. Supermarkets have been dumping their stock at anything up to 70% off, practically before the England team played their final pointless game, let alone set foot on the plane for the shameful trip home.

If you’re in the market for some World Cup Goodies there’s never been a better time for a bargain, but if you’re a seller it’s going to be a tough battle to shift the stock.

If you’re a seller what do you do with your out-dated stock which becomes pretty much unsaleable? Any tips or ideas for those lumbered with England World Cup stock?

6 Responses

  1. In the past we’ve managed to shift some really outdated stock to some TV/film prop companies.

    Some things do retain some value even after the events. There’s still plenty of 2012 Olympics stuff knocking about. Hang on to it long enough and it becomes collectable!

    I think we’re in a better position now to sell stuff like that than ever before. With upcyclers and artsy types able to transform one thing into another. I’m sure there are plenty of people around the world who’ll want to remember this world cup for years to come. They just won’t be Brazilian 😉

  2. We have large amounts of storage. So do not bother until be need more space. Sometimes it gets dumped, sometimes it is sold on ebay in bulk.

    Often it is in such a volume many ebayers cannot handle the volume. so we split it down or dump it.

    Worst headache we ever had was laptop carcasses eg. plastic palmrests / laptop lids/base plastics.

  3. We recently had a huge haul of 13 & 14 inch aluminium alloy wheels for 90’s cars from a huge ex-dealer job-lot.
    As the sizes are not a popular choice, we weighed them all in getting £9 per wheel which was more profit than selling them on eBay & a lot less effort, in listing & packing them up.

  4. If I hold the dead stock myself it goes to a local hospice. If its FBA stock then have to pay Amazon to destroy….

  5. England World Cup or football merchandise and related stuff is never a problem as there is always a mug out there somewhere.

    Three options:

    A) Bin it,
    B) Charity Shop,
    c) eBay, and if its really crap just wait for a free listing promotion and do a 99p start in “collectables”. (remember to describe it as vintage!) 🙂



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