Have a break before Christmas

There are only 124 days left until Christmas (About 121 days before you send your final shipment) so make the most of this last Bank Holiday as ecommerce is about to get busy.

Of course seeing as it’s the UK and Reading Festival is on, it’s bound to rain for at least one of the three days, but nevertheless you deserve a break.

We’re wrapping things up here at Tamebay (although like you we never really switch off entirely), but we’re going to take advantage of the break. We recommend that you do the same and, if you can, shut the warehouse up the minute the courier is out of the door and enjoy the long weekend.

Tamebay is now officially on Sunday service until Tuesday.

Let us know if you’re up to anything interesting over the next few days… just so long as it’s not about work!

4 Responses

  1. Off to Wales for a nice break 🙂

    Looking forward to reading this eBay related book (on sale today for 99p!). Not sure about the rules for linking (apologies if I’ve been naughty). Seems very funny and may put our own customer problems into perspective a little 🙂

    “Ask a Silly Question: Messages from eBay’s trickiest customer”



  2. Surely there are other reasons for taking a break over the August Bank Holiday?

    This is the last Bank Holiday until Christmas. All we have to look forward to is Guy Fawkes. The Children will be going back to School in a few days (depending on where abouts in the Country you are it could even have happened already). The evenings are drawing in and of course the mornings are getting darker so there is much less daylight. Many seasonal attractions are already thinking about closing for the winter(when I was wholesaling books I had customers who would never order anything after August Bank Holiday and some who were already sending back as returns slow moving or excess stocks even though they might still be open until the end of September). If you are thinking about going down on the beach the sea water is probably already starting to cool down.

    So close down for a few days and get out and about with the family. Don’t bother with Foreign places(think about the chaos at such as Airports). Instead go out and about across the UK. Coastal Resorts, Tourist Attractions, Preserved Railways, Historic Towns and Cities, all will welcome you. Then go back to work totally refreshed.


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