According to the Mobile Payments Index from payment technology company Adyen, mobile ecommerce is on the up again.
27.2% of online transactions globally during the first quarter of this year were made on mobile devices like tablets and smartphones. That’s up 39% on the same period last year.
And the UK is leading the way. 44.4% of online payments in the UK during Q115 were made using a mobile device. Two thirds were made using a smartphone.
Ayden says of the figures: “Tablets may well be approaching market saturation but thanks to retailers and businesses focusing on optimizing the payment process for the channel, they are attracting increasing spend as consumers become more comfortable using these devices to pay for things online. There has been a seismic shift in how and where people are comfortable spending money. All mobile channels in the past 12 months have experienced impressive uplift.
The UK’s position as the world’s number one in mobile payments speaks volumes for the country’s payments infrastructure, its highly competitive mobile network landscape and the general populations’ continued willingness to exploit new payment channels.”