eBay UK confirms Gallery glitch on Multi-variation listings

No primary category set

For more than a week it seems that eBay UK has been having bother with the gallery images on multi-variation listings. Have you been impacted?

According to reports eBay isn’t showing the primary image as selected by a seller as the Gallery image in search and browse, rather it seems that any picture including in the listing could be picked as the Gallery image. This means that the most enticing image, as chosen by the seller, isn’t being displayed.

eBay’s Alan, who posts on the eBay UK discussion boards said today: “On Friday evening this was confirmed as a technical issue, our technical support team are now investigating this further.” There is no indication of when this will be resolved. But you could probably do worse than keep an eye on this thread for updates.

8 Responses

  1. It’s been more than a week I reported this to ebay on 22nd September, as usual ebay CS were useless and gave different reasons for this happening to different sellers

  2. Can’t trust ebay to work, just build your own website lads then you’re in control!

    I believe the Chinese are still doing that thing where the muliti variation shows up at £1 then you click on it and the box is £1 but the item £15?
    whatever system you build the Chinese powerhouse will find a way to boss it, can’t win lads.

  3. Ask yourself how many sellers have multi variation listings with prices ranging from 99p to £100 or more? And then ask yourself why is this?

    These sellers are breaking ebay rules but do ebay care?

    Multi variation listings are intended for a single product with variations. Not for a product list of different products sharing the same theme.

    Those sellers who “game” the multi variation system are almost always at the top of search with their 99p lowest priced product in their “variation” list even though nearly all the other products in the list are £££s and of course also search benefiting as a result of their multiple sales through a single listing so a double search bonus!.

    Basically if you can’t beat them best to join them!

  4. This might not be a glitch. It could be that the image that shows is the item that the buyer is searching for and not the preferred primary image selected by the seller. It could be an ebay fix.

  5. This is happening on all ebay sites not just UK, Gary this is happening on a generic search NOT just when the buyer is specifying a colour

  6. We have had this for about 3 weeks now, and our sales have virtually stopped overnight. eBay are saying that it is picking the most popular picture out on the listing, which is absolute rubbish! Not sure what to do from sales of an average £800-900 per week w have gone to £150

  7. Yes. Not that it matters much as sales have been dying a death anyway. But half are listings are showing just one gallery picture and no indication of colour options.


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