This could be an interesting discussion but, owing to Retail Week’s paywall, it’s hard to give anything more than a teaser. It’s coming up on the 12th and the question posed is this: “How can furniture and big-ticket retailers transform their online capabilities?”
It’s billed as a twitter debate and will be led by Retail Week and also DHL Supply Chain. You can find out more from Retail Week’s Commercial Editor Laura Heywood here on Twitter.
And as they say: “Join us on Nov 12 @ 12.30pm to debate the best methods of growing big-ticket ecommerce sales. Follow the hastag #optimizingonline”
Hopefully the debate itself will be held in the open and not behind a paywall so we call all tune in!
One Response
Will be interesting. I had a long chat with the manager of my local courier who have already got into fulfilment. I jokingly (he is a friend) told him off for pinching my work, but as he says they are only really geared up for the ‘easy’ stuff. 10 cases of this, 20 cases of that. The finer pick, select and customer service they are not interested in. Thanks, Anthony. Leave that to me. And when I quote a reasonable price I am told Tony does whole case for that!! Each to their own.