Winding down for Christmas

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It’s here at last, the final possible shipping day before Christmas and hopefully as soon as your couriers have arrived you’ll be able to close the warehouse down for a long weekend and enjoy some well earned relaxation.

For anyone unsure, if you have any final parcels to post, upgrade them to a 24 hour courier or use Royal Mail Special Delivery and cross your fingers that the recipient is home to sign for them!

It’s likely that the only places you’ll be able to buy online and have gifts delivered in time for Christmas are now Amazon and Argos.

Argos have a cut off of 6pm on Christmas Eve for delivery the same evening. Amazon are slightly later in a handful of cities where their Prime Now service operates with a final cut off of 9.45pm deadline for the final Christmas deliveries of the year.

Here at Tamebay we’re also winding down for the holidays and will now be operating a “Sunday service” until the New Year. We will of course be keeping an eye on the news and if anything important happens (like CityLink going bust last year) we’ll make sure you’re kept informed.

As is traditional on Tamebay we’ll also be around on Christmas Day, so if you’re bored of mince pies and mulled wine drop past to share the Christmas cheer. In the mean time all that remains is for Dan and myself to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

13 Responses

  1. T’was last despatch eve, and all through the warehouse
    the tapping of keys, clicks of a mouse.

    pickers are picking, packers are packing,
    we’ve drafted in elves for last minute wrapping.

    UPS is all loaded, Royal Mail’s on the way,
    Not sure if that’s santa, or DPD sent a sleigh.

    the reps have dropped in with gifts and wines,
    and to show off all of their new 2016 lines.

    Customers are moaning “my item is late!”;
    only ordered this morning, at quarter past 8.

    but i’ve taken a minute to rest up and say
    “Merry Christmas to one and all at Tamebay”.

  2. Quite frankly I’m not worried about PC Police or whatever. May I take this opportuniity to wish everybody connected to Tamebay in any way shape or form A Very Happy Christmas and a Happy and Very Prosperous New Year.

  3. I wish we could wind down for a long weekend, checked some dates for dispatch of orders on Amazon and they are saying we need to dispatch on Sunday!!!

    As ever you can’t just leave it for four days, customers demand an answer and even if it’s not busy trying to dispatch four days of orders in one day on Tuesday will be a task so we will be in on the Monday.

    Have a wonderful Christmas if you can!

  4. .

    What, oh,, bloody hell……
    I must have fallen asleep and oh hell bloody heel, did i miss something….

    Oh well, bloody hell,, no matter ZZZZzzzzzzz…..!!

    Happy new year to you all (or is that not allowed in their’ PCworld)!!…

  5. family arguments ,drunken fights, police &hospital staff abused and over worked ,emergency services stretched, debt ,sadness and loneliness of the elderly, homeless, and sick, Christmas ! BAH HUMBUG?


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