As is usual a group of us are meeting up the day before ChannelAdvisor’s Catalyst Connect conference and we’d love to see you there.
Catalyst Connect will be held on the 20th April, so on the afternoon and evening of the 19th we’ll be in London.
We’ve booked a suite at the Hotel Russell (a bit more reasonably priced than the Savoy where Catalyst Connect is taking place) and a brisk 15 minute walk away.
If you’re a supplier attending the event and would like to bend Tamebay’s ear on the latest and greatest developments of your product or service let us know and we’ll arrange a time in the afternoon to meet.
If you’re a retailer attending and fancy a late night drink… well last year we didn’t finish until about 4am so pop by for a glass of wine or beer.
Failing that we look forward to seeing you at Catalyst Connect, book before the end of January for early bird tickets at £99 before the price goes up.
6 Responses
Sounds awful Chris. See you there ha ha
That’s me booked too – I just billed the hotel to Tamebay – That’s what you meant wasn’t it???