eBay UK promo for private sellers: 100 free listings and 75% off FVFs

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Some eBay sellers have been in touch to report a new eBay seller promo. It’s for private sellers, it offers 100 free listings and 75% off Final Value Fees (FVFs). And it’s Auctions only.

As the promo eBay says: “Planning a clear out? With 9 whole days of up to 100 free listings and 75% off final value fees, now is a great time to give selling on eBay a go!”

The offer lasts from 24th April until 2nd May and is by invitation only. And even if you are invited, you’ll need to opt in and Terms and Conditions obviously apply. Read them here.

ebay Pricing promo April 2016

2 Responses

  1. Not sure why I bother being a business seller as a sole trader. I should really be taking advantage of all these private offers

  2. Understandable comment, but remember that all these ‘private’ sellers getting tons of free listings are quite probably also buyers, and when they have paypal money to spare from sales, they’ll perhaps buy from business sellers ?
    I’m sure ebay are experimenting to try and increase listings and buyers for those extra listings, so we’ll all gain in the long run.


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