musicMagpie is the first eBay seller with 5 million feedback

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We’ve all seen the adverts and maybe you’ve also sent off a CD consignment in the hope of cashing in. So it is interesting to report that UK eBay seller account musicMagpie is the first firm to reach the milestone of having 5 million net feedback.

This is a global first and it’s rather good that it’s a UK seller who has made the grade, beating all others, in the history of eBay. They’ve sold over 11 million items and they’re still going strong. At time of writing they have over 900k items up for sale and are motoring toward 6 million already..

This little video from eBay celebrates the 5 Million Moment:

CEO Steve Oliver said: “musicMagpie enjoyed rapid growth in its first few years, but our launch on eBay really sent sales soaring. It’s a huge marketplace for collectibles that has given us access to customers around the world who want to be part of the modern stock exchange. What eBay does really well is recognize how important sellers are. They respect them, work with them, and nurture relationships.” (Some other sellers may disagree -Ed.)

There will be those who rightly question the value of net feedback as a success metric. It’s a fair point. And others will note that net feedback scores are unilluminating when it comes to judging profitability and customer satisfaction. That’s true too.

BUT. That musicMagpie is the first eBay account to meet the 5 mill is a hats off moment. It shows guile, talent, resolve and a keen focus on the process. Indeed, they’re already on their way to 6 million. Hat’s off from Tamebay. Keep going!

11 Responses

  1. Lies, damned lies and statistics ….

    The truth is that, whilst not alone, MM are a hateful company that preys on the gullible and desperate buying in stock dirt cheap (incl. all those cd/dvd being nicked from your local charity shop), then ‘recondition’ much of said items – polishing a cd playing surface, then shrink wrapping in clean case, and then selling ‘as new’ to the next bunch of misguided buyers.

    These guys are all over ebay and amazon; I’m sick of being mis-sold my music in this way!

  2. Had another market trying to get us onboard and the guy went we are getting music magpie on soon. I was like that is not encouraging me to sign up. They kill every market stone dead for the rest.

  3. follow ebays rules, comply, do what they ask, they’ll ruin you and leave you in the gutter.
    ignore their rules, flout the law, do whatever you feel like even if its completely contradictory to ebay advice – they’ll throw you a party and applaud your efforts.

  4. I bought a DVD from them & sent it back because it was badly scratched. It was listed as “Like New” they refunded me but the next time I tried to buy from them I found I was blocked! Not really a great problem as I have more than one eBay account but the effect it has had means I now buy from anyone but Music Magpie whenever possible, even if I have to pay £1 more. You send them CDs or a Mobile Phone they offer an insulting amount & if you refuse you have to pay an extortionate amount to have your goods returned like the old cash for gold scam.

  5. I’ve bought from them loads of times. The one time I had a problem it was sorted quickly and without fuss.

    Since they moved into video games though they’ve killed off a lot of sellers of used video games because of their crazy low prices. While it’s annoying, you can’t really blame a big company for taking sales away from smaller sellers, it’s the nature of business.

  6. They also steal your most expensive items if you are stupid enough to attempt top sell your stuff to them, they say they were “missing” or had “water damage” very convenient especially when its your most expensive thing it happens to, absolute shisters these lot are avoid like the plague! Ziffit also do the same w ankers!

  7. You can easily compete with MusicMagpie. There are lots of buyers, myself included, that are willing to pay more to private sellers that take actual photos of the product we want to buy. And there are plenty of buyers who refuse to buy from mass ‘re-conditioners’ like MM because of negative past experiences. Don’t let their low prices put you off from asking a fair price for your good quality seconds.

  8. Amazon apparently no longer take on new sellers of cds due to MM allegedly blocking.


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