We’ve recently reported the phenomenal growth of Amazon in several articles. That has included warehouse space, the increasing use of robots and also the growing number of employees that the Seattle based ecommerce giant has taken on. And needless to say the number of 3P Amazon Sellers has also grown too. But to what extent?
Marketplace Pulse has put together some fascinating numbers that show the growth in the scale of 3P Amazon sellers in 2017. They reckon that more than one million new sellers have signed up to sell on Amazon over the course of the year. This image they’ve produced shows how that number breaks down by Amazon’s 12 markets.
Of the million new sellers that have registered in 2017, roughly a third are in Europe and that totals an estimated 363,439.
It’s easy to say that more competition is always a good thing but these buoyant figures shouldn’t be too alarming to marketplace sellers. Because whilst many are called, few are chosen. Or rather, lots of people register with Amazon with the intention of starting trading but relatively few make a decent fist of selling successfully, it seems.
Marketplace Pulse say: “Despite hundreds of thousands of new sellers few of them will ever become active. 31% of 1,001,210 new sellers had a Feedback Review.”
They also added: “Global Amazon marketplace is now more than 5 million sellers strong. Amazon is launching in Australia very soon, India continues to grow rapidly, and new markets like Brazil are yet to be unlocked. It will continue to get bigger, and more international too as thanks to FBA marketplaces are now global. We estimate that a third of 1,001,210 new sellers came from China.”
And there are also reasons to be cheerful. Yes, the number of sellers does seem to be growing strongly but so is the buyer base. More people want a slice but the slices are getting bigger too. How is your Amazon selling going?
4 Responses
It will be interesting to see if Ebay can report this sort of growth and to see how other marketplace are doing as well
what is a 3P seller?