Sell on Etsy mobile app now includes new finance features

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Etsy have released new tools this month to enable merchants to manage their shop finances within the Sell on Etsy mobile app, which is available on Android and iOS platforms. You’ll be able to view your account balances and pay bills through the app. Sellers have already been able to take payments through the Etsy app and these additional finance tools are intended to keep sellers up to date with money due to hit their bank accounts as well as simplifying paying your Etsy bill.

Etsy Mobile App New Finance Features

  1. View your latest deposit balance

    View your Etsy shop payment account balance, so you know how much is heading to your bank account.

  2. Pay your bill

    Etsy sellers have asked for the flexibility to pay their bill whenever they want, and wherever they are and said that this would be one of the most helpful tools to manage their shop on the Sell on Etsy app. Now, merchants have the option to pay their Etsy shop bill right from their phone anywhere that they have a mobile signal or access to WiFi.

Download the Sell on Etsy mobile app

If you are an Etsy seller and don’t already have their mobile app, you can download it today for free:

Etsy app for Android

Downdload the Sell on Etsy app from Google Play for Android

Etsy app for iOS

Download the Sell on Etsy app from iTunes for Apple iOS


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